It has been a tough campaign with plenty of negative attack advertisements everywhere.  It's impossible to pick up the paper, answer your home phone, drive a few miles or flip on the television without an attack advertisement hitting you.  After all these advertisements, it is hard to be confident we are selecting the proper governor, senator, representatives, judges and other public officials we should be excited about electing.  The process is still the same. However, the tone of the campaigns has forced discussion off track.  Instead of robust debate on how to move local, state and federal governments forward during challenging times, the discussion has been about who has lied more or who did something stupid years ago that most likely has nothing to do with leadership qualities or real problems we face today.

Fortunately, we do have an election to be excited about at the end of the week.  The tone of this election is centered on how leaders running for office can help move IPRA forward in years to come.  We have a full slate of fantastic candidates willing to serve and represent you as members of the IPRA Board of Directors.  You will receive your opportunity to vote in an online election beginning Friday, Nov. 5, and running through Thursday, Nov. 11.  IPRA members can vote for all six open positions.  We have candidates running for the northern and central districts as well as the ethnic minority, communications and marketing and facility management sections.  In addition, we have four candidates running for the Recreation Section.  All these individuals are IPRA members who have the capability to lead during a time of change for our association. 

Please make sure to take a few minutes to vote.  It is important for several reasons.  First, the members selected will represent you in your association.  Second, this election may very well restore your faith in the political process.  Third, does there have to be a third reason? I think Nos. 1 and 2 are really good reasons, so make sure to cast your IPRA ballot for the board of directors.

-Mike Selep, CPRP, IPRA Interim CEO