Strengthen Communities during Park and Recreation Month

But your accomplishments are more than the state-of-the-art facilities that have been built or the new programs that are being provided.  Your accomplishments are reflected in your ability to strengthen and support the communities in which you are located.

Traditionally, parks have been seen as physical places that provide open space, recreation facilities and programming.  While these are vital services that parks provide, parks do so much more.  Parks increase property values of residents by providing access to green space and safe, communal areas.  Parks provide opportunities for youth, not just in the form of physical exercise, but also through access to personal connections, work opportunities, and community supports.  Parks provide support to older adults through community connections and engagement as well as quality programming.  These examples of the broader role of parks demonstrate how parks and recreation build stronger communities.  Whether parks bringing people together to design and build a playground, or planting a community garden; parks create a sense of place by connecting residents to each other and to a greater goal.

You are first a community leader and second a parks and recreation professional.  If you keep this idea top of mind, you will be able to build strong partnerships and alliances with other community groups.  The resulting connections will allow you to not only improve services to your residents, but also build a strong foundation for your and your agency’s future growth.

I encourage each of you to be active in your communities and to help get the word out regarding the value that you and your agency bring to all of the residents of your community.  Thank you for all that you do to make our communities great places to live, work and play!

Jan Arnold, Executive Director, Illinois Park and Recreation Association