November is a Time for Thanks

November is a time for thanks. At IPRA, we are thankful for all the ways the members make us stronger and better.  One thing we're thankful for if your feedback, like the feedback we received in the communication survey we sent last week.

In the survey, we had well over 500 members responding to our questions about improving our communication and marketing functions. What we learned was not surprising- members feel overwhelmed by the amount of emails they receive from IPRA, but there was no consensus on how members would like to receive the information; with email still ranking as the most preferred form of communication. Some members would prefer this twice monthly newsletter to replace email; while others admit they don't read this. Our analytics show that our newsletter readership is higher than the industry average, but still too low for us to rely on this publication as the only way to communicate with you. Still, we are incredibly grateful for your feedback and we want to take your advice. To that end, we will be sending fewer emails to you, putting more information in this newsletter, and making our newsletter articles shorter and easier to read quickly in your busy schedules. Members also told us with resounding consistency that they were unaware of our Facebook presence. I encourage you to check it out. We keep it updated routinely and like many of you, we use analytics to guide us towards the information that has the strongest positive response. We are always looking for ways to take your advice to make us a better organization.

In the coming weeks and months I will be working with incoming Chairman of the Board, Rick Hanetho, to put together committee appointments for next year. If you are looking to volunteer your time with us, please let me by sending me an email at along with the committee you are interested in serving on. Our volunteers make us better and we are thankful for your service and dedication to IPRA.

As you take this time to give thanks for the important things in your lives; your families, your homes, your health, your coworkers, and your communities, we hope you are also thankful for your professional community and that you will take this time to renew your dues, register for conference, and renew your dedication to your own personal professional development in your career.

Again, my thanks to you for all you do, for your feedback, your dedication, and for your service to our professional community.

Debbie Trueblood, CAE
Executive Director