NENA dispatch

National Emergency Number Association

Tait Communications
TeleCommunication Systems (TCS)
9-1-1 Goes to Washington (March 23-26 in Arlington, VA) brings together hundreds of 9-1-1 professionals from around the country with policy leaders in our nation's capital to explore and discuss today's most pressing 9-1-1 and emergency communications issues. 9-1-1 Goes to Washington is the only event where you can learn about the policy challenges facing public safety and take immediate action to address them through dialog with your elected and appointed officials.

Click here to make your hotel reservations at the conference host site, the Crystal Gateway Marriott. Watch the 9-1-1 GTW webpage for registration details and additional information in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to the 52 9-1-1 professionals who passed the Fall 2013 ENP exam and are now certified Emergency Number Professionals! Well done! For more information on how you too can achieve this prestigious professional designation, visit the ENP webpage.
Housing is now open for the NENA 2014 Conference & Expo, June 14-19, 2014, in Nashville, TN! Click here to make your reservations today. With a wide variety of options just steps from the Music City Convention Center and all that downtown Nashville has to offer, be sure to book early to get the best possible rate at your hotel of choice!

Questions? Email Lacey Rimoli-Wiesel or Colette Hanna or call the NENA 2014 Housing Bureau directly at 954.404.8252.
More Details Coming Soon! Stay tuned for lots more about NENA 2014 in the coming weeks! You can expect a preliminary conference agenda, pre-con course info, special event announcements, and, most importantly, registration information!
By now, you should have received an email from NENA with a link to your 2014 NENA dues notice. Help NENA go green and save a stamp by choosing to pay online by check or credit card. If this is not an option for you or your agency, the email also contained a link allowing you to print out a copy of your invoice for local processing.  

Instantly renew your membership online in just a few easy steps: 
1) Simply log in to the NENA website.
2) Go to your Manage Profile page.
3) Click on Membership under the "Account History" header to view your renewal options. 
4) Pay online by check or credit card.
5) Print out a receipt for your records.

In appreciation of your continued support, when you renew online by credit card before December 31, 2013, you will receive free access to an upcoming NENA webinar of your choice - a $50 value!

We look forward to sharing many new and exciting member benefits with you in the coming year! 
NENA is pleased to open the nominations process for our 2014-2015 Executive Board election! This election will be for the following positions: Second Vice President, Southeastern Regional Director, Western Regional Director, and Private Sector Director. All nominees must be current members in good standing and current Emergency Number Professionals (ENPs). Nominees for the position of Regional Director must reside in the region they wish to represent.

Nomination / Election Documents:
  • Nomination Form - PDF
  • Executive Board Statement of Responsibilities - PDF
  • Request for Paper Ballot - PDF
The nomination deadline is March 14, 2014. Contact Bri Robinson with any questions about the nomination process, eligibility requirements, or general election details.
NENA's Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) is designed to equip recently hired, newly promoted, and aspiring PSAP and 9-1-1 Authority managers and supervisors with the tools needed to effectively manage their agency through a rigorous 40-hour course of lecture and lab-based education. For more seasoned 9-1-1 professionals, the CMCP may serve to fill in some of the gaps and strengthen core competencies required in emergency communications center management.

The CMCP, unlike many other upper-level emergency communications training programs, utilizes a real-world, hands-on approach that is focused on topics encountered daily by managerial and supervisory level personnel: Business Writing, Financial Management, Human Resources, Legal Issues, and Communications Skills. With a curriculum built by current and former 9-1-1 center managers with decades of combined supervisory and training experience, the program will provide you with knowledge and skills that can immediately and drastically improve your on-the-job effectiveness and enhance your agency's everyday operations.

Register for the upcoming CMCP:
Make sure the addresses (email and postal) that we have on file for you are current! Please log in to your online member account to verify or update your information, or send an email to Bri Robinson.
RCC Consultants Inc
The new 9-1-1 Product and Service Guide is the best way to get your company's information in front of public safety decision makers, both in print and online. As a new member benefit, you can receive complimentary listings under TWO categories in the upcoming Winter edition. Please contact Shaun Greyling at 352-333-3385 or to make sure your basic company information is listed correctly and to get more details about available upgrades.
Add your name to the list of more than 1,200 ENPs! If you are eligible to sit for the ENP examination, now is the time to consider preparing for the next examination period to be held early next year. The Winter 2014 window for the ENP Examination is from January 18 – February 1, 2014, but the deadline to Register is December 16, 2013. Please go to to learn more about how to become an ENP and to sign up.
Version 2 of the NG9-1-1 Transition Planning Considerations Information Document focuses on the aspect of transitioning of location related data from the legacy environment to the NG9-1-1 environment. This document assumes that a 9-1-1 Authority is likely starting with an environment consisting of traditional components such as an ALI system, Selective Router(s), a Database Management System (DBMS), tabular MSAG, and a legacy network. It also assumes that the 9-1-1 Authority has developed a set of GIS data to a level that approximates the contents of their MSAG. Each 9-1-1 Authority should previously have performed some preliminary reconciliation between their GIS data and their MSAG. The Authority may have also performed further reconciliation work between their GIS and Postal data. If an Authority that provides GIS data for 9-1-1 use has not performed this reconciliation work, it should take up the task at the earliest opportunity as such reconciliation is viewed as a first step in NG9-1-1 data transition. Since a 9-1-1 Authority can choose a variety of deployment plans, this document identifies the most common and most likely impacts on 9-1-1 location and routing data. Other aspects of E9-1-1 to NG9-1-1 data transition will be covered in other documents.
NENA welcomes FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s appointment of Admiral David Simpson as Chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. As our nation continues to move into an IP network-based world and as cybersecurity becomes increasingly critical to both 9-1-1 and public safety communications, Admiral Simpson’s prior professional experience will be a key asset for both the Bureau and the Commission. Bureau Chief Simpson has the good fortune to work with a remarkable Bureau staff. NENA looks forward to working with Admiral Simpson on 9-1-1 matters.

NENA also thanks David Turetsky for the excellent job done while serving as Bureau Chief. David is a strong advocate of the public’s interest in ensuring that 9-1-1, the first link in the public safety chain of response, is available in to all Americans in their critical moment of need.
Click here to view the video archive and presentation materials from the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau workshop that discussed recent developments in the use of wireless technology to contact emergency services. The workshop explored current trends that may be affecting the provision and quality of 9-1-1 location information delivered to PSAPs, including the increased volume of wireless 9-1-1 calls and the increase in wireless calls originating from indoor locations. The workshop also examined issues raised in the August 12, 2013, ex parte filing by the CALNENA regarding the percentage of wireless 9-1-1 calls in which E9-1-1 Phase II location information is provided to PSAPs.
NENA recently launched a FREE email news service called Public Safety SmartBrief. It provides a weekly summary of news, trends, and updates on public safety issues - not just 9-1-1, but police, fire, and EMS. Knowledgeable editors handpick key articles from hundreds of publications, summarize them, and provide direct links to the original sources.
In other words, we do all the research and you get the latest news in your inbox or on your handheld device, absolutely free.

NENA's new and improved career center now offers more options and search functionality to job seekers and recruiters, including the ability to browse openings by category, subscribe to receive email notifications of new openings, and apply for openings directly online. Recruiters can now view and rate candidates applying for openings, search the resume database of available candidates (members-only feature), and manage postings online. 

Visit the Career Center to learn more.

03.23-26.14 | 9-1-1 Goes to Washington | Arlington, VA

06.14-19.14 | NENA 2014 Conference & Expo | Nashville, TN

10.05-08.14 | NENA Development Conference | Orlando, FL

10.04-07.15 | NENA Development Conference | Austin, TX

10.02-05.16 | NENA Development Conference | Austin, TX