NEPPA eNewsletter

August 2013

Regarding outdoor conditions:
This summer has vacillated between extreme heat and unending rain. In these conditions the summer maintenance process for crews can be frustrating; gearing up in close to 100 degree heat or heading out in ceaseless rain can complicate regular maintenance. Crew members need to keep an eye on each other and be aware of the signs of heat stroke or heat exhaustion. NEPPA recently sent a reminder out with the symptoms so please make sure you post this information and watch your co-workers to ensure they are getting plenty of fluids and are attentive to their conditions and situation.

Equally of concern is the amount of rain that we have been receiving. Being attentive to conditions that change and could change the conductive nature of elements or surroundings is important. Surprisingly, the actual level of the average water table in New England is also a concern. The fact that the ground saturation could destabilize trees, poles and other structures is something to consider whether you are responding to an outage or just conducting preventive maintenance. 

Regarding preperations for the winter/storm season:

NEPPA has purchased an emergency response communication system to help facilitate our Mutual Aid program. The system will allow us to have several contact points for participants and coordinators. It should reduce situations where there is difficulty withrequesting or assisting utilities communicating with their regional coordinators.

The new system allows for automated contacts to be launched from smartphones and for multiple forms of contacts to occur. But a system is only as good as its weakest link. Regional coordinators are reaching out to utility members to confirm the utility contact and all of their contact data. If your utility hasn’t been contacted yet, please connect with your regional coordinator and provide them with the needed contact information. 

We will conduct beta testing of the system this month, and I will communicate those results and more details of the system in next month’s Newsline. 

The summer is hot for NEPPA for other mutual aid reasons. There are two other related activities that are occurring to prepare for future events: We have been working with APPA to create a national mutual aid network. The APPA committee will work on items such as creating a shell for areas of the country with no mutual aid program to follow. This will create national communications system for regional groups like NEPPA to network and provide assistance to each other.

APPA will also take the lead in working with FEMA and the Department of Transportation in coordinating relief and tracking the progress of the new systems.

Along with these efforts, a NEPPA task force has developed a system for recruiting outside assistance for our members when our Mutual Aid program is maxed out, and for providing assistance to other areas of the country when their systems are overwhelmed. The program will go to the NEPPA Board of Directors for approval at our next meeting and upon approval will be released to our members. 

With the additions of our new communications system and the formalization of an external mutual aid component, I have no doubt that New England public power has the best mutual aid program in the nation. 

We will release details on all changes next month. For those attending the General Foremen’s Roundtable on August 15 at the NEPPA Training Center, we will provide a preview of the additions and changes. 

Lastly, thank you to our Mutual Aid Coordinators who do such a great job organizing regional assistance. It is easy to move through storm season and lose sight of all of their efforts.

Reading, June 28, 2013:  At their board meeting on May 22, the Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) Board of Commissioners unanimously voted Coleen O’Brien to be the next RMLD general manager. She will be the utility’s 14th general manager in its 119-year history.  

She has accepted the position and signed an employment contract for three years, which was unanimously approved by the Board on June 26.

A proven utility manager with 32 years of diverse utility experience, Coleen comes to RMLD from the Danvers Municipal Light Plant, where she was hired as the Director of Engineering and Operations in 1995 and appointed as the Electric Utility Director in 1998.
A graduate of Northeastern University, Coleen holds a BS in Electrical Engineering.  Prior to her years with Danvers, Coleen progressed her career out of college from an Associate Engineer to a Project Engineer with Stone & Webster Engineering in Boston. She was then recruited by the largest utility in Virginia and North Carolina, Dominion Resources, as a Project Manager. 

"We had three extremely qualified candidates apply to head the RMLD, but Coleen’s work history and approach stood out," said Chairman of the RMLD Board of Commissioners John Stempeck.  "We look forward to working with Coleen and anticipate a smooth transition. The Board would also like to thank Interim General Manager Kevin Sullivan, who has done an excellent job."

Looking forward to serving as General Manager, Ms. O’Brien said, "I am excited to accept the challenge to lead RMLD and be a part of the successes that RMLD deserves as one of the best municipal utilities in Massachusetts.  I am committed to continuing a strong investment in the qualifications and safety of the RMLD employees, the operation of an efficient and reliable electric system, providing competitive rate structures, excellent customer service and the mindfulness of the future of energy." 
"We expect to have Coleen take the reins by July 15," said Stempeck.

On July 11, 2013, Norwalk’s Third Taxing District had their Fitch Street Substation groundbreaking ceremony.  All office employees were in attendance as well as TTD’s Commissioners, Charles Yost and David Brown, and Mayor Richard Moccia. The Fitch Street substation will be the first new substation built by TTD since the completion of the Rowan Street substation in 1980. This new facility will be fed directly from 4KV cables from their existing East Avenue substation, so the use of 27KV cables from outside the district will no longer be necessary.  Jim Smith, who has been East Norwalk’s General Manager for a little over a year, comments "You have to have a vision to build something like this."

Back in 2008/2009, Norwalk’s Third Taxing District started looking at their costs and decided to take a chance. They wanted to give their customers the best value for the lowest cost they possibly could.  Jim Smith goes on to say "Things can always be better." So, they looked into building their own substation. After going through the bidding process, they have decided to go with Eaton Corporation, located in Montville, NJ, that is a turn-key developer. 

They found a patch of land about a mile away from their office where they can build, right next to their current East Avenue Substation. East Norwalk wants it to be non-threatening to the surrounding neighbors, so they have decided to build a weather covered substation with landscaping surrounding the building to blend in. Of course, East Norwalk made sure to ask the neighbors if they would accept this new building, and they all agreed that they would. 

The building process will begin very soon and they expect the project time to be four to five months.  Sometime in early December they will make the switch from the current substation to the new one. Customers don’t have to worry, however, because it will only take a few seconds and it will be done overnight so as to not disrupt anyone. 

To see all information including benefits for their customers, the facts, approximate costs and approximate savings click here

Please keep an eye out for the January E-Newsline for an update and pictures on East Norwalk’s newest substation!

Jim Smith, General Manager

Joe Cristino, TTD's consulting engineer

Mayor Richard Moccia  

From left to right: Charles Yost, TDD Commissioner; Mayor Richard Moccia; James Smith, GM; David Brown, TDD Commissioner; Joe Cristino, TDD's consulting engineer; and George Patechis, Easton Corporation.

photos courtesy of Rich Bonenfant


Here you can find a list of articles that have recently been in newspapers around New England regarding Public Power:

Gas Line Upgrade Proposed for NY to Boston Route

New England’s Love Affair with Natural Gas Cools
NEPPA, the quality leader for public power education in the Northeast, is seeking a new full time instructor for its Littleton, Mass Training Center and remote trainings.

NEPPA offers competitive compensation and a positive environment. Candidates must have crew experience and be proficient in operational/technical and safety areas of public utility operations. Must be comfortable with public speaking and group management. NEPPA will train the right candidate in our programs. For information or to apply, please contact either Steve Socoby,, or Larry Brownell,, or call 978-540-2200.


In the April edition of our e-newsline, we began doing a feature on the utilities and affiliate Member’s that have generously donated to the NEPPA Training Center or have had a part in NEPPA’s move. This month we will recognize Groton Utilities. Herb Cummings, who is the General Manager of Groton Utilities, goes on to say:

 "Groton Utilities understands the value of your training facility and are proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of its development. We enjoy the partnership we have with NEPPA and look forward to working with you and the other member utilities into the future."


States Terminal Blocks and Test Switches became an Associate Member on Wednesday, July 10. The business designs and manufactures test switches and terminal blocks to facilitate the calibration, disconnecting, troubleshooting, checkout and testing of meters, relays, instruments, transducers, and control systems. The company is located at 4271 Bronze Way, Dallas, Texas 75237. The Sales Representative is Rodney F. Vargas, and he may be reached by phone at 800.325.4574, by fax at 214.331.7368, and by email at You may also contact Edward Bouasry at or their general email at

NEPPA welcomes SEDC as a new Corporate Member! SEDC is located at 100 Ashford Center North, Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30345. The main contact is the Senior Vice President of Business Development, Troy Schake and he may be reached by phone at 770.414.8400, by fax at 770.414.1122, and by email at Robin Vogt, the Director of Public Relations, may be reached at Wayne Keel can also be contacted at SEDC is an IT company that provides CIS/Billing and Accounting software to electric utility providers across the country.  

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for NEPPA's 2013 Customer Service Conference being held at Old Sturbridge Village on Thursday, September 12, 2013. 

We have two great speakers, including Paul Bagdan, who is a Professor at The Hospitality College at Johnson & Wales, and Bob Ryan, who is the one of the owners of Ryan & Wood Distilleries in Gloucester, MA. You will also have the chance to enjoy a guided tour through Old Sturbridge Village. 

More more information or to register, please click here!

Registration closes on August 19, so don't miss out on a great opportunity to connect with your peers and hear what's going on in the industry. We have some great speakers, and it's being held at the beautiful Stowe Mountain Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. 

For more detailed information or to download a registration form, please click here!


The General Foremen’s Roundtable provides an opportunity for GF’s to network with their counterparts in other utilities, get answers to questions and gain knowledge. The sessions are interactive and participation from attendees is strongly encouraged.

August 15, 2013
NEPPA Training Center
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

For more information or to register, please click here

November 6 - 8
Water's Edge Resort
Westbrook, CT

Please keep an eye out in August for more details

(Georgetown, MA) Jesse Cote, a 2nd Class Lineworker for Georgetown Municipal Light Department, was the overall top performer at the recent Northeast Public Power Association Lineworker Apprentice School’s 15th Annual Skills Assessment Rodeo. Cote competed against approximately 50 other students in 10 separate events at NEPPA’s Training Center in Littleton.

To read the full press release, pick click here

Georgetown Municipal Light Department photo captain: Jesse Cote, right, a 2nd Class Lineworker for Georgetown Municipal Light Department, was the overall top performer at the recent Northeast Public Power Association Lineworker Apprentice School’s 15th Annual Skills Assessment Rodeo. Congratulating him is Steve Socoby, Director of Training. 


In This Issue:
Congressional Focus: Markey sworn in, Administration personnel advance...
Energy Policy: Agencies move on climate plan, Shaheen Portman fights for floor time, Trade groups urge action on hydro...
Cyber Security: Trade groups ask for delay on CIP v. 4...
Dodd-Frank: House, Senate Ag hearings tee up sub-threshold fix...
Tax and Finance: 135 Members sign muni bond letter...

Congressional Focus

Edward J. Markey was sworn in as the junior Senator from Massachusetts.  He will serve on the Small Business and Foreign Relations Committees, as well as the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, where he will have a role in cyber security legislation.  On June 27, NRC Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane was reconfirmed to a full, five-year term, just days before her current term was set to expire.  The Senate also confirmed Gina McCarthy as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator 59-40 on July 18.

Ron J. Binz has been nominated to be the next Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Binz was the Chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and helped implement a law that required Colorado’s large investor-owned utilities to switch to natural gas or renewable energy.  Binz now runs Public Policy Consulting, a Denver-based government affairs firm, where he focuses on energy and telecommunications regulations.  Although no date has been set for his confirmation hearing in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senators are likely to use the forum as a way to air concerns, questions, about a range of FERC policies and practices, including implementation of Order 1000.  

To read the complete legislative update including the following topics, click the links below:

IEEE Women in Engineering and Power & Energy Society are holding a Joint Technical Meeting on August 20, 2013 starting at 6 p.m. at Olin College in Needham, MA.

Increased Usage of Nuclear Power Advantages and Challenges - Worldwide will feature speaker Edward L. Quinn, who is the Past President from American Nuclear Society and President of Technology Resources. For more information or to register, please click here.
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