Regulatory Affairs
November 14, 2019

NEW! ON - TSSA seeking industry input on revised RSMP renewal forms

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On November 4, 2019, the TSSA circulated a package of proposed revised Risk and Safety Management Plan (RSMP) L1 and L2 renewal application forms to Propane Advisory Council (PAC) and Risk Reduction Group (RRG) members. Industry input is required as soon as possible as the TSSA is planning to implement these changes effective December 1, 2019. The CPA has been working on the RRG and PAC groups to ensure these updated forms do not negatively affect industry.

The updates to the renewal process include:

  • The Director/Officer can delegate an employee without requiring a separate Attestation form. This is incorporated in the application form (page 8 for L1 and page 4 for L2)
  • Submission of a new Corporate Profile Report is required, however this only needs to be submitted every 5 years if there are no changes.
  • The Propane Renewal Bulletin includes a requirement checklist
  • For renewal applications for Level 1, the “Submissions and Mapping Requirements and Information” are no longer required.
  • There is a new Notice of Termination form created to standardize the license termination process.

Please review the attached package and provide your comments directly to Marcelline Riddell, CPA Ontario Director, by November 27, 2019.

The package includes:

The CPA has requested the TSSA provide PAC and RRG members with a workplan for the Ontario propane sector so that industry is afforded more advance notice on some of the initiatives the TSSA is working on with business impact.

For any questions, please contact Marcelline via the above email or phone 647.881.1483.


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