Regulatory Affairs

Canadian Propane Association - Association canadienne du propane


Technical Safety BC has issued a directive on gas contractor responsibilities that clarifies notification requirements that permit holders must comply with when submitting declarations for installation permits.

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Regulations to amend chapter II (Gas) of the Construction Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 2) and chapter III (Gas) of the Safety Code (chapter B-1.1, r. 3) were published in the Gazette officielle du Québec on July 18, 2018. The changes will be effective November 15, 2018.

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The Chief Fuel Safety Inspector for the province of Nova Scotia released Fuel Safety Bulletin FS18-04 on June 28, 2018 concerning Catalytic Tank Heaters on propane tanks.

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Cowan Insurance Group
Northridge Electric
PTI - Propane Training Institute

The CPA’s Propane Training Institute is dedicated to offering the best in competency-focused programs to assist the propane industry and customers in ensuring employees are ready to work safely and effectively. The CPA is currently updating all training manuals, revising content, procedures and updates to the Codes and Standards as well as implementing a new easier to read and maneuver layout.

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Free Access to CSA Standards

The CPA holds a number of Equivalency Certificates on behalf of its members and are available on the CPA websiteThe terms and conditions of each Equivalency Certificate must be adhered to at all times. 

Ongoing Consultation & Updates

A new edition of the CSA B51 Code – Boiler, pressure vessel, and pressure piping code is being developed and is expected to be published in early 2019. As part of the standards development process, the CSA has posted the draft code for public review and comment on its website

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As part of its Regulatory Modernization Initiative, the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) has launched consultations on rail-related regulations and guidance materials. Among other things, these consultations will support the implementation of the Transportation Modernization Act (Bill C-49), which has amended the Canada Transportation Act (Act) to introduce new measures related to freight rail. The CTA invites affected stakeholders to share their views to ensure that the CTA's rail-related regulations and guidance materials are relevant, clear and up-to-date.

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For a number of years, the CPA Board of Directors has been discussing the adoption of a code of practice with the objective of improving risk management performance and elevating public perception about the safety and responsibility of the propane industry. The CPA is now looking for member feedback on the draft Reliable Propane commitment statement.

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CPA Committee Updates

Date: September 18
Time: 2:00pm ET
Email to join this committee.

Date: September 19
Time: 1:00 pm ET
Email to join this committee.

Date: September 20
Time: 11:00am ET
Email to join this committee.

WESROC Monitoring Solutions
ValvTect Petroleum Products
Naylor Association Solutions
Affinity Partners
Canadian Propane Association | Association canadienne du propane
410, avenue Laurier Ouest, bureau 406 | 410 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 406 | | @canadapropane