Regulatory Affairs

Canadian Propane Association - Association canadienne du propane


The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) has released the final draft of safety standard, Aerosol Containers and Gas Cartridges for Transport of Dangerous Goods (CAN/CGSB-43.123) for a 60-day consultation period opened to all Canadians. This standard does not specifically apply to propane in reusable containers but may apply to other portions of members' businesses.

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In September, the CPA reported that Transport Canada had issued an Enforcement Instruction to stop inspectors from requiring proof that the industry provides a cylinder requalification document when selling a cylinder to a new owner, an issue that has been a problem in the industry for many years. 

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This is a reminder that the soft-enforcement period for the installation electronic devices (ELDs) in commercial federally regulated vehicles is ending in seven months. The enforcement period provides drivers with time to identify, integrate and install an approved ELD, without being penalized.

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The Ontario government introduced new legislative changes on October 25, 2021, for the Working for Workers Act 2021 that it says, if passed, would “better protect, support, and attract workers to the province”.

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The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) suspended Appliance Technical Institute of Canada Inc.’s (ATIC) authorization to deliver gas technician training programs after it discovered a breach of provincial safety laws and ATIC’s failure to cooperate with TSSA’s investigation.

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In response to stakeholder input, on October 1, 2021, Ontario’s Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is giving agricultural owners and operators an additional month to produce a report on existing boiler and pressure vessel (BPV) equipment.

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Pro-Par Inc.
PTI - Propane Training Institute

On November 1, 2021, the CPA/PTI announced changes to its insurance requirements and rolled out a new group insurance program designed to create efficiencies for independent trainers across the country.

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On October 14, 2021, the Norton Rose Fullbright law firm hosted a webinar to answer Ontario-specific questions that have come to light regarding pandemic requirements in the workplace.

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CPA Committee Updates
  • BC Committee - June 8 Meeting
  • Saskatchewan Committee - May 12 Meeting
  • Auto Propane Committee - September 23 Meeting
  • Manitoba Committee - June 9 Meeting
  • Alberta Committee - June 17 Meeting
  • Ontario Committee - September 21 Meeting
  • Transportation Committee - September 21 Meeting
  • Regulatory Affairs Committee - June 23 Meeting
  • Atlantic Committee - October 14 Meeting

Meeting summaries can be found online. Click here to log in to your member profile.

RegO Company
ValvTect Petroleum Products

Date: November 18, 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am MST
To attend the meeting, please contact Katie Kachur.

Date: December 7, 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am PST
To attend the meeting, please contact Katie Kachur.

Date: December 8, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EST
To attend the meeting, please contact Marcelline Riddell.

Date: December 9, 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am CST
To attend the meeting, please contact Katie Kachur.

Date: January 13, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST
To attend the meeting, please contact Robert Loenhart.

Date: January 19, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
To attend the meeting, please contact Robert Loenhart.

Date: April 21, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am EDT
To attend the meeting, please contact Marcelline Riddell.

Quality Steel Corporation
Lock America, Inc


The CPA is hosting a webinar in collaboration with Transport Canada on Infraction Trends in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods with Isabelle Roy, Chief, Risk Management, Safety Research and Analysis  Branch, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate.

When: Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST ( via Zoom Webinar)


You can register online!

Canadian Propane Association | Association canadienne du propane
410, avenue Laurier Ouest, bureau 406 | 410 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 406 | | @canadapropane