February 25, 2014
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Syrian Accountability: The Question of Media in Atrocity Prevention

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With David Crane, Professor, Syracuse University College of Law

February 27, 2014
6:00 PM:  Networking and Wine Reception;  6:45 PM:  Presentation
Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, Kaufman Center

With his background in international criminal law, David Crane was recently asked to join a group of war crimes prosecutors and forensics experts to examine a large collection of photographs, which appeared to show widespread torture and killings at detention facilities run by the Syrian government. He was also able to interview the man who took them.
With clear and convincing evidence of an "industrialized killing machine," raising the atrocities to the level of crimes against humanity, Crane was hired to work on the report by a London law firm, which was made public just as the peace talks began in Geneva –and which can be used to convict Syrian president Bashar al-Assad for war crimes.
Join IIE and the United Nations Association of New York for this galvanizing and timely discussion with Professor Crane, who is chair of the Syrian Accountability Project at Syracuse University. We will examine the role of media in exposing atrocity crimes, its ability for generating a greater international awareness and shaping policy, and its capacity to change the tactics of those bent on killing their own citizens.

Should you wish to attend, please kindly RSVP to Raquel Battle at rbattle@iie.org


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