Literacy for All: Accelerating Outcomes Through Collective Impact

April 14, 2015, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM (EDT); Reception to Follow
Institute of International Education (IIE)
809 United Nations Plaza 
New York, NY 10017
Register for Free by April 3, 2015

Successful societies, healthy communities, and prosperous economies often have one thing in common—a thriving, literate population driving them forward. Statistics show that those who are literate are less likely to live in poverty, more likely to vote, to be involved in their communities and to seek medical help for themselves and their families, yet more than 800 million people in the world are illiterate. Illiteracy is a solvable problem. Significant progress has been made to date. What is missing is collaborative action.

The International Literacy Association invites you to join a critical discussion among cross-sector leaders on what is required to motivate action and accelerate outcomes for the millions of illiterate people around the world.

How can educators, governments, and private sector and philanthropic leaders collaborate to develop, assess and share approaches that work in advancing literacy?
This discussion marks an important first step in building a coalition dedicated to collectively addressing the solvable problem that is illiteracy today.

Moderated by

Institute Of International Education