Invitation to IIE Gala: Our City, Our World

September 29, 2015, at the Pierre Hotel in New York City | Learn More | Contact

At this year’s International Awards Gala IIE will honor NYU President John Sexton and renowned graphic designer Milton Glaser. This event is IIE’s largest celebration each year and brings together over 400 leaders from the business, philanthropic, diplomatic, and education sectors.

We would deeply appreciate your support and hope you will join us in purchasing tickets or a table in honor of this year’s remarkable honorees and the vital work of the Institute. 

We are delighted to present John Sexton with IIE’s highest honor, the Stephen P. Duggan Award for Mutual Understanding. In our field, the accomplishments of Sexton and NYU are truly laudable and have set a powerful example in the global higher education community. We are eager to pay tribute to him and his leadership, and to celebrate his commitment to growing NYU from being an institution that is in and of the city, to being one that is in and of the world—a truly Global Network University. We are also delighted that renowned graphic designer and Fulbright alumnus Milton Glaser, well-known for his iconic logo and orthography, will receive the Fritz Redlich Alumni Award that evening.

The Gala celebration will also have as a special featured guest the first female President of the University of Tikrit who was forced to flee Iraq following the June 2014 ISIS takeover and is now undertaking a Scholar Rescue Fund fellowship in the U.S. Midwest.

At a time when there are so many challenges worldwide, your support is needed now more than ever to help advance the impact of IIE and our honorees’ missions to develop strong, talented leaders with open minds who are able to create a more cohesive and tolerant next generation. 

IIENetwork members and Generation Study Abroad Commitment Partners are eligible for a reduced rate.

Institute Of International Education