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April 28, 2015: Ed-Tech Leadership Evolves in Houston

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Join us for this webinar from our Education Week Leaders To Learn From virtual event series. The annual Leaders To Learn From special report shines a light on forward-thinking district leaders who seize on good ideas and execute them well in their school systems. Throughout 2015, we'll host webinars, live chats, and more virtual events related to this year's Leaders. Learn more.

The superintendent and chief technology information officer for the 215,000-student Houston Independent School District have established a working relationship that balances an aggressive vision for digital innovation with a realistic sense of what schools can do with the resources they have. That approach offers important lessons for school leaders who want to put ed-tech initiatives in place that will improve schools. Our guests will discuss how to work with district leaders and classroom educators on ed-tech initiatives, what it takes to balance innovation with technological realities, and how to evaluate the impact of ed-tech programs.

Terry B. Grier, Superintendent, Houston Independent School District, Texas
Lenny J. Schad, Chief Technology Information Officer, Houston Independent School District, Texas

Michelle R. Davis, Senior Writer, Education Week Digital Directions


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