Monday, November 18: Science Assessments: Innovations in the Next Generation of State Assessments - an Alliance for Excellent Education and ETS K12 Center webinar from 2 to 3:30 PM EST

Nancy A. Doorey, Director of Programs, K-12 Center, Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Karen Kidwell, Director, Office of Program Standards, Kentucky Department of Education
Stephen L. Pruitt, PhD, Senior Vice President, Achieve, Inc.
Robert Rothman, Senior Fellow, Alliance for Excellent Education
Kathleen Scalise, PhD, Associate Professor of Education, University of Oregon

Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education and the K-12 Center at ETS for a webinar on options for science assessments aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

The NGSS call for new assessments that can measure the three dimensions of learning called for in the standards: disciplinary core ideas, cross-cutting concepts, and science and engineering practices. What would these assessments look like? To find out, the K-12 Center at ETS held a two-day symposium in September 2013 to explore research and cutting-edge practice.

Stephen Pruitt will provide an overview of the NGSS and discuss activities in states that have adopted them; Kathleen Scalise will outline options for assessment; and Karen Kidwell will describe that Kentucky's efforts. Nancy Doorey and Robert Rothman will moderate. Panelists will also address questions submitted by webinar viewers from across the country.

Register and submit questions for the webinar at: 

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