Program Highlight: Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

On April 26, 2014, a group of 24 K-12 Japanese teachers arrived in Washington, DC as participants in the Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The teachers attended an orientation in Washington, DC and visited schools in the DC area offering ESD-related curricula.
After the orientation, the teachers traveled to U.S. host cities. Twelve of the teachers visited Miami, FL, and the other 12 visited Nashville, TN. In their respective host cities, the teachers visited local K-12 schools and other ESD resource sites and participated in a two-night homestay. The teachers enjoyed learning about the programs being implemented in the U.S. and learned about activities that could be implemented in their schools back in Japan. Following the host city visits, the 24 Japanese teachers were joined in San Francisco by the 24 U.S. participants for a three-day joint conference focused on the collaborative development of ESD curricula.
In June 2014, the 24 U.S. participants will travel to Japan to visit Japanese schools focused on ESD. The two groups of teachers will meet in Japan for another joint conference where they will solidify relationships and collaborations begun in San Francisco.

The Japan-U.S. Teacher Exchange Program for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) provides 24 Japanese and 24 U.S. teachers and administrators with the opportunity to travel to the other country to learn about ESD efforts and strengthen ESD curricula in both countries. The program is administered by Fulbright Japan and jointly funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State and the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Institute Of International Education