20 April 2017
In This Issue |
News From ISTAT
ISTAT Calendar
Member Updates
Foundation Happenings
Jetrader Magazine
Industry News
ISTAT Asia kicks off in just a few short weeks. More than 700 industry leaders are currently expected to attend the event, which has grown every year since its inception in 2011. The conference gathers a who's who of experts to provide much-needed insight into the Asia-Pacific market, which is growing in leaps and bounds. Featured keynote addresses include:
 Using Economics to Predict Aviation Developments in Uncertain Times Speaker: Adam Pilarski, Ph. D., Senior Vice President, AVITAS, Inc.
Building a Faster Future
Speaker: Blake Scholl, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Boom Supersonic
The Land of Silk and Money Part 2
Speaker: Dick Forsberg, Head of Strategy, Avolon
Be sure to check out the event schedule ahead of time and access the ISTAT Asia mobile tool to maximize your experience at the conference.
ISTAT is pleased to once again offer two special events for ISTAT Members at the 2017 International Paris Air Show.
ISTAT Reception
19 June, 18:00 - 20:00
Palais Brongniart
ISTAT Chalet
19-25 June
Paris, France
In addition to an already-packed lineup of keynote speakers and moderated panel discussions, there are numerous networking events scheduled for attendees. Be sure to take advantage of these events as a means to connect with longtime peers and forge new relationships.
Click here to view the full slate of networking events.
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9-11 May 2017
Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
Chalet: 19-25 June 2017
Reception: 19 June 2017
Palais Brongniart
24-26 September 2017
Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Edinburgh, Scotland
13 November 2017
14-15 November
Hilton, Bogotá
Bogotá, Colombia
ISTAT Holiday Receptions
6 December 2017
Dublin, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Tokyo
ISTAT Americas
4-6 March 2018
San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina
San Diego, CA
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ISTAT is pleased to announce these new and returning members.
Congratulations to these ISTAT members on their new positions.
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Check out this month’s #ISTATGivesBack with Yreka Flores, featuring ISTAT Grant Recipient, San Diego Air & Space Museum.
The ISTAT Foundation offers grant funding of up to $10,000 USD to non-profit organizations around the globe that advance commercial aviation. Do you know of a qualified candidate? Contact istatgrants@istat.org. The deadline to submit applications for the 2017 program is 1 May.
Support the ISTAT Foundation by bidding on rare PacMin models, including a Donghai 737, a JetBlue A321, and an AeroMexico 787!
Starting today (20 April), Pacmin is holding their first charity eBay auction of the year. Click here to access the PacMin eBay auction page. All models are donated by PacMin.

ISTAT member companies are invited to post summer or graduate internship positions on the ISTAT Internship Portal.
The Foundation’s Internship Program acts as an intermediary between ISTAT member companies and students seeking aviation internships. Through the use of our web portal, qualified students and employers are able to match the right skills, background and interests with corporate internships. Placed interns who qualify will receive a stipend from the Foundation to cover qualified housing and travel expenses of up to $2,500. Questions? Contact istatinternships@istat.org.
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In the aviation industry, all eyes are watching the growth of the Asia-Pacific market. Comprising markets such as China, Japan, Singapore, Korea and others, the region transformed into an aviation powerhouse seemingly overnight. Its rapid growth correlates to the growth of ISTAT Asia, ISTAT’s Asia-Pacific event that has quickly become one of ISTAT’s most popular events.
Shipping in August, our popular "who’s who" guide lists member companies alphabetically and by product or service. It is available in both a print and digital format, making it easy for members to reference year-round for their purchasing decisions.
The last day for ad submission is 8 June 2017.
Advertising space is also available in the Autumn issue of Jetrader magazine with bonus distribution at ISTAT EMEA in Edinburgh.
For more information about including an ad in this year’s directory, contact Erik Henson at +1.352.333.3443 or ehenson@jetrader.org. You can also request a media brochure here.
Jetrader, ISTAT's official magazine, is circulated to ISTAT members on a quarterly basis. Each issue of Jetrader highlights industry news and case studies and contains feature articles and member spotlights.
We are now accepting article submissions for the summer 2017 issue. If you are interested in sharing your expertise and contributing to the content of Jetrader, please contact ISTAT at istat@istat.org.
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced global passenger traffic results for February showing a second month of strong demand growth to begin 2017.
These are turbulent times for Singapore Airlines (SIA) and Cathay Pacific. There was time when both airlines had a surprising amount of Asia’s skies to themselves. No longer. Passengers now often bypass Hong Kong and Singapore entirely, opting to put their cash and well-being in the hands of one of the big-three Arabian Gulf airlines, Emirates, Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways.
The commercial airline fleet is expected to grow by 2027 to more than 35,501 aircraft, 50% of which will be replacing in-service units.
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