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Green Meetings -- Happening and Important. By Phil Allemang

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Are more green meetings happening, and are they important to businesses, communities, and planners? The answer is a big yes! An MPI study done this year asked planners what trends would influence their meetings in the coming year, and "More green meetings" was ranked as the #4 most important trend.  Another poll showed that 18 percent of travel managers said that an environmentally friendly program would be of high priority in the coming year. So lets look at some ways that we can plan green meetings that benefit the 3 Ps, People, Planet and Profit.

Thanks to the magazines Corporate Meetings & Incentives, and One, published by MPI, I will list several ideas that work, and also several web sites that can help you plan eco-friendly meetings.

How about the menus, an important part to every meeting. Consider having some vegetarian meals. I know all you steak eaters have already discounted this idea, but take a second look.  One planner said she serves one or two vegetarian meals at conferences and attendees don't even notice there is no meat. Lasagna can be great without meat, plus salads. Talk to the chef, they like to be creative, and can probably save some money at the same time. Plan to use in season and locally grown veggies and fruits as much as possible. You can search for a complete list of vegetables and fruits that are in season, by state and date. Also, look at sustainable seafood, and there is a regional guide that will help at Again, work with the chefs, and ask if they have special dishes they make using organic and local foods. Don't be satisfied with a pre-printed menu, ask and you will receive, or at least have a better chance than if you don't ask. Think about your menu.

Many meetings are being made without binders, or at least with less printed materials. Many are going to putting info on memory sticks, which may or may not be a cost savings, but are much easier to take home, to hand out, and so much less waste. These can be pre-loaded with info, check with your vendor because the cost for this service is low. But remember, memory stick pricing changes weekly, so be careful when using a bid, it might not be accurate if not ordered quickly.

A way to be greener and help the community is in lieu of room gifts, maybe donate to a local charity or non-profit. One planner has done this by having part of her event at the local zoo, and donating to one of their causes at the zoo. Still tax deductible, but fun and a good cause was benefited.

Here are a few sites you can go to and calculate your green effect:

Another good site is You can't do everything, but you can start. For your next meeting, start by planning one part to be green, and then expand that thought for your next meeting. Every little bit helps the 3 Ps, and that means it helps all of us. Let me know what ideas you have come up with at Have a great day!

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