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KCMPI Membership ROI

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My KCMPI membership is valuable because of Networking and Relationships.

  • It allows me the opportunity to network with potential clients outside of my immediate city.
  • It has helped me jump start my career and professional network!
  • You make so many friends who turn into business opportunities and I can keep current on what is happening in the hospitality industry.
  • It's now as much a social and support group as it is educational and fun.
  • It keeps you connected with others in the industries. Active membership also keeps you apprised of latest industries trends and offers educational opportunities.
  • It helps me to gain future business and network with potential future clients
    KCMPI has provided me invaluable professional and personal relationships. A great deal of my professional success is due to the contacts I have made thru KCMPI.
  • I would be lost without the networking and my KCMPI pool of professionals.
  • My professional success is due in great part to the relationships I have developed thru KCMPI membership; in addition I have made many lasting and dear personal friendships thru MPI!
  • I can always contact another industry professional for a referral or answer a question.  I would be LOST without KCMPI.
  • You meet people and feel a part of something.
  • I wanted to expand my network and get to know planners/hoteliers on a personal level.

My KCMPI membership is valuable because of Professional Enhancement.

  • I feel it's important to belong to a group that supports and furthers the career I've chosen as a meeting planner.
  • I get to meet so many different people and these people may be able to help me in the future as potential clients or in job hunting.
  • It is the group that is the most respected in our industry.
  • It gets my name and face out into the community.
  • It's a good opportunity to learn about the industry, to help others, and to be helped.
  • I want to be a leader in being aware of the newest venues, and trends in catering, service and the wow factor.
  • MPI has given me opportunities for career advancement, development of leadership skills, and a wonderful network of friends and business colleagues.
  • Enhance professional skills, network, and gain new customers.
  • I was strongly encouraged to join as a student and it has been beneficial to me and to the advancement of my career. As I prepare to speak to UMKC students next semester, I will also share with then the value of joining this organization as a students because obtaining mentors early in your career will be the jumpstart you need to get started in the industry and it will add value you as you seek to grow. 
  • It helps keep me at the top of my game of corporate event planning, as our meetings showcase new and interesting venues in which I can plan corporate and company events, creativity in food selection and display.
  • I enjoy me experience working as a committee member. It gives me insight to how other companies train their employees in problem solving and working together with others as a team, striving for the same goal. And, I love it when the end result is successful.
  • I view it as a resource for finding dependable suppliers and hearing other planners' opinions and experiences with hotels and suppliers.
  • It provides for a good return on investment for my employer.
  • The chapter has really help me put "me" on the map here in KC. 
  • The e-news of being a member of MPI and other opportunities outside our area.

My KCMPI membership is valuable because of Education.

  • My involvement with KCMPI has given me valuable access to new ideas, current trends and important information as a supplier to the meeting professional.
  • Your chapter is really involved the educational benefits as well as community service and social events.
  • It keeps me informed about industry trends, resources and contacts.
  • It offers creative, new ideas for event planning as well as training/learning sessions.
  • It helps me become aware of venues, catering and service providers.
  • I wanted to earn my CMP. 
  • My membership also provides me with opportunities to visit venues that I would not have otherwise.
  • To learn more about planning and implementation of corporate events that have a huge wow factor without a huge budget. To learn more from a planner's perspective: budgets, negotiating, networking with vendors. To learn how to improve my role as a corporate planner, especially things that impact my budget and how I can add wow without adding cost.
  • It's a local chapter and monthly sessions are offered in convenient locations. It also allows me to meet others around town in this career.
  • I learn various tricks of the planning trade. I learn more about how to get the wow factor into events. I learn about a variety of venues and types of activities. I learn about vendors in the area. I get the networking experience with fellow planners and with area vendors.
  • This chapter provides relevant, top-notch education with locations that allow me to attend and get the most for my educational dollar. The quality of leadership and their obvious concern for the good of the members in the chapter is also very attractive.
  • It's a wonderful organization dedicated to the education of professional meeting planners. It's a great support system.

My KCMPI membership is valuable because of Fun.

  • You get to see and do fun things instead of always working, working, working.
  • I have opportunities I would not have otherwise. I love the people I get to work and volunteer with on a daily basis. 
  • It's fun!
  • It's kind of like your 401k ... the longer you have it the greater the value. It's a great resource for me as a planner in our industry.

Naylor, LLC

Naylor, LLC

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P.O. Box 11876
Kansas City, MO 64138
T: 816-668-9424 / F: 816-356-4095