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4 Things Event Planners Can Learn from Olympic Athletes

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By:  Patti Gaughan, CMP

I came across an article last month during the Olympics that targeted the AV/technology arena. After reading it, I thought the ideas expand beyond the realm of technology and apply to all meeting professionals and encompass KCMPI.

The original article was written by Dee Dee Mulligan and posted August 1, 2012. She is a blogger for AV Event Solutions, a California meeting equipment provider that rents ARS, iPads, video walls, and more. I decided that her ideas were broader than just technology so I have applied my ideas to her article.

Now that the Olympics are over, we often marvel at the way things change every four years. Athletes seem to get faster and more powerful. Technological advances in equipment, clothing, and shoes allow them to go just that millisecond faster. So what can professionals in the meetings industry learn from these powerful professional athletes? Plenty.

Here are the four things anyone involved in meeting planning can take away from the games:

1. Olympians train, train, and train some more.

They are constantly perfecting their sport and usually they train in a facility and with a group of like-minded athletes.

So, what about your training? Are you a member of one or more professional organizations and going to the educational conferences? Are you reading professional publications? Or are you planning meetings the same way you did four years ago? KCMPI provides ongoing education and training to all its members through programs, newsletters and networking with other industry professionals.

2. Olympians have a coach and are in constant feedback mode.

A coach outlines their training program for the week, reviews their competition video, and is constantly tweaking their training program. A coach is also a person who provides inspiration and constructive criticism.

Do you have a coach or mentor in the industry or your organization? Someone you can go to for feedback and help? If not, you can find a coach and/or mentor through KCMPI,

3. Olympians invest in the latest technological advances.

They have the best swimsuits, track outfits, sunglasses, shoes and helmets. These athletes keep trying new things, even when they may be out of their comfort zone.

Are you up to date with the latest trends and tools? Are you providing the best and most current content possible or are your events stuck in a training rut? Are you avoiding trying new ideas because they are out of your comfort zone? If you want to gain the competitive edge, become an active member of KCMPI and keep abreast of current trends. Learn from other members what's working and what's not. Gain new ideas to rejuvenate your events and make your job easier.

4. Olympians focus on their niche or area of expertise

These elite athletes do not try and be masters outside of their event circle. Yes, gymnasts compete in eight or 10 different events, but they do it within the world of gymnastics. They aren't going onto the track to run the 100-meter dash or jumping into the pool to swim freestyle.

Is your organization focused on your target market or is it trying to be everything to everyone? By delivering content at your conferences that is "right on" with your attendees, makes you a more valuable education partner to your participants. However sometimes you need an expert or information from outside your niche. That's where KCMPI can help. You can find any vendor, resource or referral you might need to support your entire event.

KCMPI can help you meet all your Olympic training needs. If you are a member, become an active participant – attend programs, joint a committee and increase your competitive edge. If not a member, then join today and become a winner!

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