President’s Message

KCMPI President Michelle LizakDear KCMPI Members and Friends,

Happy Holidays! As this year comes to a close, I am thankful for all our members and volunteers in this organization. We truly could not do what we do with out each of you. Thank you to everyone that has played a part in this year to date!

This month’s issue will be our last issue of 2010, so I wanted to take a minute to reflect on this past year. We faced a lot of turmoil this past year with job losses and economic downturns, but the worst seems to be behind us—2011 has potential to be a banner year for all of us!

As we look ahead to 2011, I hope that each of you intends to keep MPI in your plans for the year. Earlier this summer, I heard a startling statistic from MPI during WEC’s chapter leadership conference. In 2009-2010, 50% of planners in MPI paid their membership dues on their own as compared to only 25% two years ago. Many of our members renew in December/January, myself included, so I understand the scrutiny that goes into the decision to renew. This past year, I opted to utilize one of MPI’s programs for dues assistance. My pending renewal for 2011 prompted me to wonder how many of our members are aware of the great programs available to us for membership renewal.

Here is a summary of the programs through the MPI Cares program and our own chapter resources available for planners and suppliers for dues assistance:

Free Membership Renewals for Unemployed Members
Free six-month membership renewals are available to help MPI members who have been impacted by unemployment. After six months, if the member is still unemployed, an additional six months is available for only $99. Please contact the KCMPI Membership team or the MPI Member Care Center for more information.

Installment Payment Plans
Installment payment plans are also available for members. The MPI Cares program allows members to pay their renewal fees in four small installments. Please contact the KCMPI Membership Team or the MPI Member Care Center for more information.

Students in Transition Program
Students in Transition is a new program available for student members in first three years of their careers following graduation. As part of this program, MPI offers a graduated payment plan for students just emerging in the marketplace. This payment plan offers a 50% savings over the regular membership rate in the first three years after graduation.

KCMPI Scholarship Program
In addition to the programs offered by MPI, our local chapter also offers scholarship opportunities for members. Please click here to visit the KCMPI website scholarship page.

Didn’t see anything that works for you? Don’t give up! Please contact the MPI Member Care Center to discuss what other options might be available.

I wish each and everyone one of you and your families a safe, wonderful and happy holiday season!

Warmest regards,

Michelle Lizak, CMP