Rebecca Hensel is KCMPI's 2011-2012 Leader of the Second Quarter

Since joining MPI four years ago, Rebecca Hensel has been a prominent member of the Membership Committee and active in the chapter. She was nominated by two members of the KCMPI Board of Directors and voted as KCMPI's 2011-2012 Leader of the Second Quarter. Recently, when the need arose for a Strategic Alliance (SA) liaison for the Membership Committee, she volunteered promptly while also working diligently as a joint lead for the November Membership Reception. Her efforts were instrumental in the planning of that event. Rebecca is hardworking and eager to make our MPI chapter successful now and in the future.

Rebecca works for the Kansas City Convention and Visitors Association, and has represented that organization for more than four years as a Sales Account Executive. She is active with other associations, loves to travel and is also busy planning her upcoming wedding this March. The KCMPI Board members are grateful for the commitment of all of our members, and are pleased to honor Rebecca, once again, as Leader of the Second Quarter.