2012-2013: Year of the KCMPI Volunteer

As KCMPI kicks off its Member-centric year, Leadership is focusing on YOU and enhancing your KCMPI experience. Volunteering as a committee member or chair is an excellent avenue to connect with other KCMPI members and meeting professionals,develop lasting friendships and leave your awesome mark within our Chapter.

Leading a committee or being a committee member does not have to be time consuming.  KCMPI has many areas in which needs would take between 15 to 30 minutes A MONTH to complete.  Whatever your amazing planner or supplier skills may be, we can connect you to a KCMPI area that will benefit from your skill set:

Interested in learning more?  Contact Andrayana Getchell, CMP, Director of Leadership, by email or at 816-285-1402.