Are You A KCMPI Active Member?

Ready to connect with other KCMPI members and meeting professional organizations?

Become a KCMPI Active Member by volunteering as a committee member or chair. To become an active member, only a minimum of one hour is needed of your time for the year. This hour may be given in increments of 15 minutes a month or at one time. If interested in volunteering, the following are areas that will very much enjoy having you as an active member:

Communications- public relations, KCMPI Times Newsletter, website management, social networking sites

Leadership- connect members to committees,awards and recognition programs

Membership- new member recruitment,member retention, member scholarship and Job Bank

Monthly Programs- education programs and social networking events

Please contact Andrayana Getchell, Director of Leadership, or 816-285-1402 for assistance with becoming a KCMPI active member today!