I am KCMPI and I Love What We Do!

Name: Bonnie Siegel
Title: Founder, President & CEO 
Company: ASE Group, Inc.
Membership Years: 24 years (1989-Present)

"I have been a member of MPI for more than two decades. I remember its early beginnings when I started my career in New York. After settling in Kansas City, I sought out other industry professionals. I studied for my CMP with three other local leaders and was in the second class that ever took the exam! Over the years, as ASE Group continued to grow and have a national presence, we always connected with our local colleagues to share insights and changes among the industry. MPI is a crucial organization for meeting professionals, and KCMPI continues to be the local voice for all of us dedicated to the growth and advancement of the field."

Name: Jeanne Burris
Title: Senior Sales Manager
Company: Overland Park Convention and Visitors Bureau
Membership Years: 18 years

"The people you meet and the friendships you develop are a wonderful source of knowledge and support not only for business but in my personal life as well."