Mizzou Campus Top 3 Hot Industry Topics Revealed

While trends tend to come and go, our list of "Top 3 Hot Topics on Campus" are here to stay and growing in popularity! As more universities are offering degrees within Hospitality Management, the realization that having a competitive advantage is now a necessity rather than just an additional line on the resume. Within the applied discipline of Hospitality Management, specifically Conference and Events, having the opportunity to transfer knowledge from the classroom to the "real world" is vital to success after college life.

The first hot topic includes job shadowing various conference and events professionals, to include production, day of event execution, design, florist and client relations. Whether the student is able to job shadow for a few hours or for multiple days, any dose of reality is valuable and allows students to be able to narrow down their career focus. Not all, but some students enter the program thinking that the event planning job is always glamorous; we give thanks to "The Wedding Planner" and "Say Yes To The Dress." Through the job shadowing opportunity students experience a wake-up call and realize that the day can begin before 7 a.m. and end after midnight for a single event. Students begin to realize that event planning is full of countless opportunities beyond weddings. Students that benefit the most from job shadowing are those who have made an attempt to diversify their experiences. Job shadowing also has the benefit for professionals in that they are able to develop relationships with students that fit within their organization and potentially gain an intern (also an added benefit for the student).

Networking events is the second hot topic on campus with additional programs being offered with industry professionals establishing relationships with students. Networking events include employer panels (with professionals representing all areas of the industry beyond conference and events), mock interviews, resume reviews, mocktails and mixers, etiquette dinners, and internship and career fairs. Students have multiple opportunities to interact with professionals in various settings while also learning professional skills to outclass the competition.

Our third, but not least, hot topic is participating in various volunteer opportunities within our community and region. Students are able to gain hands-on experience and responsibilities through volunteering for a wide array of events. The ability to volunteer on a flexible schedule is a necessity for many students that are juggling the responsibilities of coursework and jobs. Volunteering also allows for students to network with various vendors and professionals within the industry. While students are volunteering they are making themselves visible to potential employers and providing a glimpse of their work ethic and drive to succeed. 

The combination of job shadowing, networking and volunteering allows students to prepare for their future career and be adequately prepared for the workforce. The relationships built with our industry counterparts are greatly appreciated at the university level, while also providing industry leaders with capable and experienced graduates that have a realistic perspective of expectations from employer.

Amanda Alexander (left) and Melissa Daniels.

Authors Description

Amanda Alexander, Ph.D.

alexanderac@missouri.edu / (573) 882-3528

Amanda is a faculty member at the University of Missouri, Department of Hospitality Management. She currently teaches courses within the Conference & Events emphasis area and an Introductory Hospitality Management course.

Melissa Daniels

danielsmr@missouri.edu / (573) 882-4114

Melissa is the academic and career adviser for Hospitality Management. She serves as a liaison between industry professionals and our students/faculty for developing opportunities to bridge the connection between the University of Missouri and our industry.