Member Planner Profile











Name, Title and Company:

Gretchen L. Miles, CMP

Meeting Planner

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)


Job description:

The ACCP Meeting Planner focuses on managing meeting logistics for all of ACCP's conventions. In addition to meeting logistics, this position includes site selection, contract negotiation, vendor selection and management, marketing, facility space planning, food and beverage specifications, budgeting, managing the exhibits program, and managing satellite symposia programs. This position requires an ability to prioritize, manage several projects simultaneously, work both independently and as a team member, and exercise judgment based on a thorough knowledge of the College and its members. The ACCP Meeting Planner is entrusted with information and responsibilities that necessitate discretion and confidentiality. Routine interaction with members, vendors, senior ACCP staff, Board members, association and industry leaders, and the public requires exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.


Years involved in KCMPI: 

I have been a member of KCMPI for approximately 4½ years since I was hired as the Meeting Planner for ACCP. 


KCMPI committees I have served on:

I have been an active member of the Monthly Programs Committee for the past three years and have led two educational programs and one holiday party during this time. I was also a participant of the CMP Study Group. Then, after I achieved my CMP certification, I helped facilitate it for one session.


What I enjoy best about the hospitality industry:

The pace and the excitement. There is never a dull moment, and it is never the same from day to day. I think anyone in this industry could write a book about the people we have met and the situations we have seen and conquered. When I share stories with nonindustry people, they are flabbergasted and think I'm making them up ... until they meet my industry friends and hear their stories! 


Activities I enjoy outside of work:

I love my friends and family and spend as much time as possible with them. In the spring, I like to dig in the dirt, planting flowers. Then, I spend the summer trying to keep the bunnies and other creatures from eating them. 


Anything else you'd like to add:

I've been working in the hospitality industry, both as a supplier and now as a planner, for almost 13 years. In these trying and uncertain times, the one thing I believe in is the importance and power of the hospitality industry, and I wouldn't want to be on any other roller coaster. The thrill comes from the ups and downs; we all just have to remember to hold on and enjoy the ride.