What Is CSR?

By Phil Allemang

What is CSR? What does it mean to be eco-friendly?  Does it have to cost so much to buy products that don't harm the earth?  What can I do for this planet?  All very good questions, and most can have a very simple answer.  And all work to the good of you, your family and the population of this world that is our home. 

In this and future articles we will investigate what these and other terms mean, and how they can effect our everyday life.  Buying for and planning eco-friendly meetings can be fun, and even more fun is when it spreads into your everyday living.  It can be very simple, or as complex as you want it to be.  I'm more of a simple person, so I will lean heavily on making each term as easy to understand as possible.  And when you want more knowledge, I can lead you to more in-depth Web sites.

Let's start with the label "CSR."  Corporate Social Responsibility is the term used for the recognition that an organization is intertwined with society and the earth, and must take responsibility for its actions for the "Triple Bottom Line" of People, Planet and Profit.  Without concerns for all three, no organization will be as strong as it could be, nor have the respect that a solid company should have. 

We must respect the people you work with, come in contact with or just pass by everyday.  Remember, you are people; you yourself make up a very important part of this group.  To respect others is the key to respecting yourself and to a positive attitude.  Often we have to work at this respect thing.  Oh, you might think that you always show respect, but what about the line you were in this morning, you remember.  When you were running a little late to get to the office, and drove through a fast-food breakfast place because the line was not too long and you thought it would actually be fast.  Then just before you get to the first menu board, the driver in front of you skips past that and goes right to the actual place-your-order board.  And you know that that person did not give any thought to what they wanted to order before they parked in front of the speaker!  A real test to keep that positive attitude, let alone feel respect for that person.  You want to honk so bad, but then you see a little head in the back seat, you maybe hear that car's muffler rattling, you see the driver trying to roll down the window with an actual crank, and your heart kind of sinks because you know you almost were a jerk.  But, in just enough time, you gather your thoughts and tell yourself that a little wait is not so bad, and that you are blessed in so many ways.  You start to respect what that driver has to go through everyday, and a little time is not really wasted, but just diverted into making this day a wonderful day to be alive.  This is what companies and organizations have to do also, to take the time to observe and see what they can do to make each day better for all those that they have some contact.  And realize that it is a good day!

Planet, how do we help it and take care of it.  Well, this can be so easy, if you just have fun with it.  My daughter Wendy tells me different things she does to be more eco-friendly, or planet friendly.  The simple ones she loves to do: shop at second-hand stores!  Now, think about this, she is reusing clothing that others have quit using; this is being planet friendly.  Ok, shopping is not my thing, I hate it.  If I shop I want someone with me to tell me what to buy, get in and get out.  But for her, she will find gems in piles of stuff and this is recycling, in a fun and beneficial way.  Oh yes, she also recycles cans and bottles and plastic bags like most of us do.  But taking care of this planet doesn't have to cost a lot or be something we dread.  Just think about your life, your family, your job and see what can be used more fully, or reused, or given to someone else to use.  You will be helping to take care of this planet. 

In meeting planning, you can help the planet in so many ways, some might cost more and some will save you money.  Just think about all the ways you spend your budget for that meeting, the food, the plates, the water and the badge holders.  How can you work with your people to cut back, not waste, and not have as much to throw away?  You might be a hero, not to just the planet but to your company, too, by saving money and by elaborating to your attendees how "green" your meeting has become.  And give them ideas how they can be more eco-friendly on their way home.

No, we can't forget the final "P," profit!  This is a must, and is something that all organizations and companies will always look for.  We must always think of what we are doing, and how it affects the bottom line.  That does not mean we do not recycle or buy items made out of biodegradable materials, even if they cost a little more.  But as often as it may cost more, there are ways to show that the cost is offset by other savings, and we have to document these. 

Ask your suppliers for products that are eco-friendly.  If they try to say the cost will go up, talk a little more to them, let them know that they will also be benefiting the planet if they take a little hit too.  As a supplier, I believe it is good to share, the benefits, the cost, the satisfaction of knowing I did something today to help.  One example is I sell plastic bags, the kind that we all get at shows.  I have switched all my clients over to biodegradable bags, and charge them the same amount.  It cost me just a little bit more, but I know I did my part today to help this planet, and I got my client doing the same.  We all have to dig in and help.  And it can be fun!  Find a way you can have fun and at the same time help this planet, and share with me your ideas and thoughts.  Let me know the odd things you do, like Wendy, to help out all our fellow residents of this earth.  Remember to think before you honk: It is a good day!

(Phil is a Promotion & Event Advisor for CAM, Inc., and currently serves as KCMPI's Director of Marketing and PR. He can be reached at 913-381-4139 or e-mail at phila@cam-inc.com.)