October Monthly Meeting

Sterling Raphael
President / CEO, NFi Studios - nfi studios, entrepreneur, speaker

Social Media n \so – shul me – dee – uh) 1: Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one-to-many) into social media dialogues (many-to-many).

Using Social Media technology is this millennium's hottest way to do business! Do you Twitter? Are you LinkedIn? Is Facebook for you? These highly accessible social media tools are changing the way humanity communicates on a daily basis. Don't get left behind! Attend KCMPI's cutting-edge "R U Ready for WEB 2.0? A Lesson in Social Media Strategies and Tools" on Thursday, October 22 at the Lenexa Conference Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Join visionary entrepreneur Sterling Raphael, founder and CEO of NFi Studios in Orlando, Florida, and explore the value of using social media strategies to develop interactive and creative web applications. Raphael has 12 years of professional experience creating innovative Internet applications for Disney Entertainment, the Orlando Magic, Universal Studios and more.

Believe it or not, successful businesses and business people use this innovative technology to create memorable brands, build user-friendly interactive websites and develop effective marketing strategies. It's a new day ... if you don't Twitter, if you're not LinkedIn, you should be!

(Sterling Raphael has twelve years of professional experience conceptualizing and directing the development of innovative Internet applications. With an intense background in creating powerful rich media applications for Disney Entertainment, the Orlando Magic, Universal Studios and many more, Sterling approaches all web software development with an interactive, user-centric and creative mentality. Sterling's knowledge of web design and development allowed him to combine the two skill sets to construct highly creative web applications. Adding a third facet of business marketing to his education, Sterling received a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Central Florida. Sterling continues to lead a team comprised of exceptional designers, developers and marketing at NFi Studios. The company continues to grow as a leader in the association and meetings industry.)