KCMPI 2010-2011 Call For Board Nominations. Contact Vickie Brawley

TO: All Members of Meeting Professionals International -- Kansas City Chapter

FROM: KCMPI Nominating Committee

We realize this is a time of year where you are busy with holiday parties, shopping and festivities.   But, please take a moment to help us plan for the future of our chapter by nominating those individuals you feel would be a strong asset to KCMPI's Board of Directors. The nominations process starts with your submission of nominees. Please click here to nominate a candidate(s) (can be yourself) that has demonstrated strong leadership skills, professionalism and dedication to our association. Your input on who would make a good future leader for the chapter is very important. Again, we ask that you please give this a moment of your day and respond.

DEADLINE:  Please respond by Noon, Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thank you very much for your time. Should you have any questions, please contact KCMPI's Nominations Chair Vickie Brawley at gemini_vickie@yahoo.com or 816-686-6360.