Mind Your (Online) Manners

Mind Your (Online) Manners
What you need to know about social media etiquette.


For many of us, the initial social media experience is akin to a child with a shiny new toy—we want to rip into it and start playing, posting personal photos, accepting requests for "friendship" from long-lost high school pals, and "checking in" everywhere from the local coffee shop to our favorite eatery. What fun! 

But unlike a new toy, social media doesn't come with any real instructions. We unwrap it and start sharing our world with...the world. As more and more people join this new way of communicating, seeds of chaos can be planted. 

Rules of engagement
Without guidelines on how to use social media, disaster is just a Tweet away. Many people—and companies—have found this out the hard way through embarrassing criticism, impulsive rants and misguided comments. 

What you post on social media sites has the potential to reach more than your intended viewers. It’s dangerous to assume privacy settings protect you. Even if you’ve locked down your Facebook page so that only "friends" can view your profile, it's likely that someone who is not directly connected to you will find it. All it takes is for one of your friends to share it with their friends. A good rule of thumb, whether you are engaging in social media for personal or business purposes, is that if you wouldn’t say it loudly, in front of your mother (or boss), you shouldn’t post it online—anywhere.

With so many companies supporting Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies—where individuals are allowed to bring personal smartphones, tablets and laptops to work and use those devices to access company data—it’s more important than ever that a clear social media policy for employees is in place. Your employees are representatives of your brand, and in business, perception is everything. To protect yourself from the embarrassment of a social media faux pas, create a policy that clearly states what you expect from your employees when it comes to social media use. Set clear boundaries, especially for those who are part of your brand building process. 

Just like in-person networking, online relationships should abide by basic etiquette rules. Here are a few to keep in mind:
Whether you are connecting with people in the online world, or at a dinner party, knowing how to present yourself in a positive way is the same. Today, the phrase "think before you speak" translates to "think before you Tweet." 

Margaret Page, a recognized etiquette expert, speaker and coach, is the author of "The Power of Polite, Blueprint for Success" and "Cognito Cards—Wisdom for Dining & Social Etiquette." She is the founder and CEO of Etiquette Page Enterprises, a leading Western Canadian training organization. To learn more, visit http://etiquettepage.com, or call 604-880-8002.

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