The New Look at NEHRA in Learning and Professional Development

We are reorganizing and rebranding a portion of our programs to support our commitment to enhance workplace contributions and stimulate professional growth, and to better meet the needs of you, our members.

Beginning in November, a portion of our programs will be segmented into theee program areas based on Skill Development and Knowledge Acquisition:

HR Basics
HR Basics
is designed for individuals who want or may need to learn more about the key elements of human resources management. This program is designed to expose learners to the fundamental knowledge acquisition they need to get started in their role within human resources.

In a 12 week format (6 two-hour sessions) or an intensive 2 full day program participants will be exposed to basic information in: employment law; talent management; compensation and benefits; employee relations; and performance management.

HR Basics is also designed for individuals who have been given a new or expanded responsibility for some component of their company's human resource management and need to "learn the basics."

Rising HR
The mission of the Rising HR program (formerly known as Professional Development) is to provide serious learning experiences and skill development opportunities that help professionals move their capabilities from transactional to consultative by:

These are ideal programs for individuals interested in PHR and SPHR. The outcome is a significant expansion in personal value and organizational contribution.

Advanced HR
The mission of the ADVANCED HR program is to bring together HR leaders from all industries to foster continuous knowledge acquisition about relevant issues facing human resources management. The programs are designed to provide practical learning and opportunities to network with peers to build valuable collaborative relationships.

Through a focused series of seminars and events, the Advanced HR program will be addressing today's most pressing and challenging organizational issues, offering knowledge, and developing practical and applicable solutions.

For more information on NEHRA’s HR BASICS program, CLICK HERE.
For more information on NEHRA’s RISING HR program, CLICK HERE.
For more information on NEHRA’s ADVANCED HR program, CLICK HERE.