Stress on the Job

Putting activities, or stress reducers in place prior to employees being totally burnt out is how companies keep great people, and keep them healthy and capable. Managers need to know their people and have a 360 degree view of their lives.

For example—people know a great deal of travel causes stress for employees. Companies try to make sure people are back in their home city by noon on Friday to minimize that stress. While that may be one step, if an employee has a new baby that may not be enough. If a manager is not aware of what else is going on, they will not be able to keep as much stress away from a highly productive employee. They risk losing that person or at least losing the positive edge they bring. Proactive conversations about how things are going show a sincere concern, which is a main stay in retention.

About the Author:
Elaine Varelas is Managing Partner at Camden Consulting Group, a provider of integrated talent management solutions for organizational and leadership development. Visit them at