Boost Your Bottom Line with Your Wellness Program

These fantastic results are exactly what we experienced over a nine-month period. As the president of a lean call center company, CaLLogix, in New Hampshire (an expensive part of the country for a call center to be located), my focus is on being highly responsive to our clients' changing requirements, delivering exceptional service and managing a profitable company.

Attrition, absenteeism and rising health care costs negatively impact our service and bottom line. Our ability to provide superior service depends upon our staff being ready to take the important calls coming into our center.

When 15 people are absent on a single day in a 200-person call center, we have to scramble to cover the calls those 15 people would have taken. We used to average 15 absences . . . now we average two—that's much easier to manage.

We initially designed our Consciousness @ CaLLogix Wellness Program to address a few big challenges for our employees: smoking cessation, weight loss and stress reduction. Our goal was to help our employees be healthier and happier by reducing smoking, eating healthier and helping them better manage the stress they face in their personal and professional lives.

Our employees are better able to serve our customers when they are healthier and their stress is managed. Not only has our wellness program increased the health of our employees, it has solved some of our key management issues.

Here's how we've designed our program:

We fully believe in walking our talk. Our management team participates in the Wellness Programs, dresses up for theme days and creates much of the content for our employees. We also celebrate our achievements with our staff. In celebration of our sixth anniversary as a company, we gave each employee a chocolate dipped strawberry, a glass of sparkling cider and a note thanking them for their commitment and outstanding support in fulfilling our promise to our clients and their customers.

 We've noticed some interesting results of this initiative:

Here's a specific instance in which we've seen the program improve our customer service: An irate customer, who tried to place an order on line, called in and was not pleasant to our representative. Our rep, who had been in our Conscious Success training that day, did everything right: she apologized to the customer, did not make excuses that may have frustrated the customer even further or become defensive, had incredible patience with the caller, had a positive attitude throughout the call, and turned what could have been a horrible call into a great experience for the customer!

Our provider for the smoking cessation is Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, and our provider for our stress reduction program is Conscious Success, LLC.