Employee Engagement: What Are You Doing?

On September 11, 2012 we are repeating the best selling program: Employee Engagement: 10 Transformational Steps that will Change Your Culture.

Learn from one of the nation’s leading engagement experts, Bob Kelleher, on the 10 Employee Engagement steps that will transform your culture.  Attendees will bring back to their organizations the latest practical employee engagement processes and methodologies and walk away with over 30 practical Engagement Tools.

As an example of the outstanding tools you’ll receive, we’ve attached a link for a complimentary tool, Bob’s Communication Protocol--an essential engagement, communication, and alignment tool. Click here for access to the free tool.   

Attendees will also receive a complimentary copy of Bob’s book, Louder Than Words, the nations’ #1 Employee Engagement book.

Bob Kelleher is an award winning author, thought leader, keynote speaker and consultant.  Kelleher travels the globe sharing his insights on employee engagement, leadership, and workforce trends.  Engaging the different generations is a key topic in his keynote presentations and prominently featured in his books, "Louder Than Words, 10 Practical Employee Engagement Steps...that Drive Results!" and soon-to-be released "Creativeship, A Novel for Evolving Leaders."  

Bob's best practices are culled from his years of consulting with "best-in-class" companies, along with his experience working in the "C-Suite" for a Fortune 500 global professional services firm as Chief Human Resources Officer.  He was also Chief Operating Officer and EVP of Organizational Development for an international consulting firm.  As Founder and CEO, of The Employee Engagement Group (http://www.employeeengagement.com/), Bob helps leadership teams better engage their employees and drive profitable growth.

For more information, and to register, CLICK HERE.