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Archives | www.nena.org | November 25, 2013
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NG9-1-1 Transition Planning Considerations Information Document v2 Now Available

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Version 2 of the NG9-1-1 Transition Planning Considerations Information Document focuses on the aspect of transitioning of location related data from the legacy environment to the NG9-1-1 environment. This document assumes that a 9-1-1 Authority is likely starting with an environment consisting of traditional components such as an ALI system, Selective Router(s), a Database Management System (DBMS), tabular MSAG, and a legacy network. It also assumes that the 9-1-1 Authority has developed a set of GIS data to a level that approximates the contents of their MSAG. Each 9-1-1 Authority should previously have performed some preliminary reconciliation between their GIS data and their MSAG. The Authority may have also performed further reconciliation work between their GIS and Postal data. If an Authority that provides GIS data for 9-1-1 use has not performed this reconciliation work, it should take up the task at the earliest opportunity as such reconciliation is viewed as a first step in NG9-1-1 data transition. Since a 9-1-1 Authority can choose a variety of deployment plans, this document identifies the most common and most likely impacts on 9-1-1 location and routing data. Other aspects of E9-1-1 to NG9-1-1 data transition will be covered in other documents.

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