Free Quality Assurance Webinar Tomorrow

How to More Easily Comply with 9-1-1 Quality Assurance Standards
Wednesday, June 24 | 1 p.m. Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Sponsored by VPI
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With the April release of the new NENA APCO Quality Assurance and Improvement (QA/QI) standard and the transition to NG9-1-1 underway, we are making major strides toward excellence in emergency communications. Join us as we review key highlights of the new ANSI-approved NENA APCO QA/QI standard. You’ll also learn from Hamilton County 9-1-1 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, how they doubled their QA productivity by automating the selection of EMD, Police, and Fire call recordings for evaluation based on CAD data – no more hunting and pecking for calls to evaluate or tedious spreadsheet scoring – sped up feedback to supervisors, call takers, and dispatchers with automated alerts on QA scores as soon as evaluations are completed; and got faster insights into critical issues and training opportunities with automated QA/QI reporting and notifications.

National Emergency Number Association