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National Emergency Number Association

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Comtech Safety & Security Technologies
Thank You, TCs, From NENA

We know that TC Week is kind of different this year, but what hasn't changed is how much we admire our members. Thank you for all you're doing during this challenging time. Check out the above video, and look out for additional videos of appreciation on Facebook and Twitter every day this week. #ThankYou911

NENA Releases Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on PSAPs

NENA is proud to publish 9-1-1 & COVID-19: A Report on PSAPs During the Pandemic. This report, based on 500 survey responses from 9-1-1 professionals across 46 U.S. states and territories, provides the 9-1-1 community with an initial view into how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting PSAP operations, as well as what actions PSAPs and local authorities are taking to protect telecommunicators.

Survey access was provided to PSAP contacts using the NENA Enhanced PSAP Registry and Census (EPRC), a free service for public safety personnel that provides contact information for PSAPs during emergencies. Based on direct reports from the field, the report reflects the respondents' sentiments and illuminates some trends with respect to how COVID-19 is changing PSAP operations.

Reminder: COVID-19 Resources for 9-1-1 Authorities & PSAPs

As NENA continues to closely monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we have developed a list of resources for members, chapters, and the greater 9-1-1 community.

NENA's COVID-19 resource page contains items including PSAP-guidance documents, EMD protocols, on-demand webinars, CoOPs and planning checklists, event-planner assistance, public education graphics, health and hygiene best practices, and many more resources to support you and your work during this ever-evolving situation. This page is updated with new information as it becomes available, usually daily.

Recent updates include:

  • CISA's Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response
  • From the CDC, Interim Guidance for Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19
  • NENA's Recommendations for PSAPS & Emergency-Services Organizations During the COVID-19 Outbreak (v2)
  • NENA's COVID-19 PSAP Checklist (v3), covering best practices for social distancing, policies, health procedures, public information, and cleaning

Do you have or know of other resources that should be posted? If so, you can contact NENA's Communications Director, Chris Nussman.

Hexagon Corporate Marketing
Register Now for the NENA 2020 Conference & Expo

At NENA 2020, you will not only hear about the public safety issues of the present and the future, but also gain practical, real world know-how that you can take home with you and put into action immediately. You will be connected to the pulse of 9-1-1, joining thousands of public safety professionals, telecommunications specialists, and federal, state, and local policymakers for a week filled with chances to develop a keen understanding of the near and long-term issues facing public safety and build the skill-sets necessary to tackle these challenges head on.

No matter what your role is in public safety, NENA 2020 delivers the education, resources, and contacts you need to be better equipped to do your job and actively prepare for the road ahead.

Click here to register and here to learn more.

Membership Term Extension for Expiring Members

We’re in this together. With the extraordinary personal and professional challenges we're all facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has never been more vital to engage with each other, keep important conversations and connections going, and do all we can to stay motivated, informed, and prepared. As such, NENA is extending the membership renewal grace period to May 31 for all members yet to renew for 2020. Enjoy uninterrupted member services and benefits during this period, and stay connected to the information, tools, and resources you need to meet the challenges at hand.

Please contact member services at if you have any questions. We stand by ready to assist in any way can. 

Training Update
Upcoming Courses

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, NENA, in consultation with our course hosts, has made the decision to postpone our upcoming in-person classes on a rolling basis. Students who are currently registered for classes will receive email announcements should their class(es) be postponed, as well as new-date notifications once the class(es) are rescheduled.

Visit the NENA Education Calendar to see currently scheduled classes.

Association Business
Hexagon Corporate Marketing
NENA Board Voting Closes Wednesday

Voting for NENA's 2020-21 board of directors opened on Monday, March 16. On that day, eligible members received an email with a direct link to NENA's online ballot along with voting instructions. Once a member logs in to the voting system, he or she is able to review the nominations and vote. After officially casting a vote, the voter is not able to change his or her vote or access the ballot again.

Click here to learn more about the election and view the candidates. Don't forget to vote before the election ends this Wednesday!

Document Announcements
Internet of Things Information Document Available for Public Review & Comment

NENA's Impact of IoT Devices and Emergency Calling Applications Information Document describes the impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and emergency calling applications (apps) on 9‑1‑1. Developers of IoT devices, and developers and managers of systems that employ these devices, should consider this document in the early phases of design and development to address the potential impact on 9‑1‑1 operations and to assure that their implementation(s) are effective in their intended emergency notification to 9‑1‑1 services. This document discusses impacts to the operations of 9‑1‑1 system operators and PSAPs caused by emergency calls and data received from IoT devices and apps.

Members of the Working Group are to download the document and submit comments by going here and selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Edit" icon. All others should download the document and submit comments by going here and selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon. Please complete all requested data and "Save" OR, if submitting multiple comments, select "Save and Add Another."

If submitting a substantial number of substantive comments and/or edits, commenters may add a single comment in NWS Comment Manager and attach an edited version of the document containing tracked changes. To do this, scroll down to "Add Supporting File" on the comment page and select the file you have edited.

If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, and incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each.

All comments are due by 11:59 p.m. eastern on April 24. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

Stable Form Notice: NG9‑1‑1 Policy Routing Rules Operations Guide
Having adjudicated all comments, the subject document is now considered "stable." Per NENA IPR, Section 4.5 a "Stable Form Notice" is being issued can be viewed by clicking here.
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Volunteers Wanted
Volunteer to Update the TERT Standard

Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT) programs provide communications-specific mutual aid between PSAPs to provide trained personnel during extended, high-impact emergencies. Volunteers are sought to update the Standard for TERT Deployment; this revision of the standard will assist PSAPs and 9-1-1 authorities with the information required for developing, training, equipping, and deploying standardized TERT teams.

Click here to volunteer.

Apply by Wednesday to Serve on the NENA Education Advisory Board

NENA seeks to fill a vacancy on the Education Advisory Board (EAB) with a NENA member in good standing who possesses the desire and dedication to become part of the team charged with carrying out NENA’s educational mission.

Candidates are required to be 9-1-1 professionals who are members of NENA in good standing, of good moral character, and who possess the skills necessary to support and direct NENA’s educational mission and goals. Candidates holding the Emergency Number Professional (ENP) certification are preferred.

Learn more about the commitments associated with serving on the EAB at

Applications are due by Wednesday, April 15. Click here to apply.