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National Emergency Number Association

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Comtech Safety & Security Technologies
#NENA2022 Early-Bird Pricing Ends Friday! Register Now!

Learn, Grow, Connect, & Discover at NENA 2022!
At NENA 2022, you will not only hear about the public safety issues of today and tomorrow, but also gain practical, real-world know-how that you can take home with you and put into action immediately. Featuring inspiring keynote speakers, more than ninety hours of breakout sessions that inform and empower, career-building courses and workshops with real-world applications, nightly networking events that help you make the right connections, and an Expo Hall showcasing cutting-edge products and services, NENA 2022 is the must-attend event of the year. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of it!

Click here to register and here to book your housing.

Register for the Run for 9-1-1, too! 
Lace up your running or walking shoes in support of 9-1-1 training and wellness programs on Saturday, June 11, and participate in the 8th Annual "Run for 9-1-1" Charity 5K in Louisville!

The run/walk promotes healthy living among 9-1-1 professionals, gives the greater Lousiville community, and supporters from around the country, a chance to say "thank you" to 9-1-1, and generates funds for scholarships and 9-1-1 training opportunities. Click here to register.

2022 McMurray Scholarship Recipient Announced
Congratulations to Stacy Clas, ENP of Calvert County Emergency Communications in Prince Frederick, MD for being selected as the winner of this year’s William M. McMurray, ENP Scholarship! Way to go, Stacy! We look forward to seeing you at NENA 2022!
Application Data Systems, Inc. (ADSi)
Training Update
Cybersecurity Webinar Tomorrow
Our Pa$sw0rds are Br0k3n! Rethinking Account Security
Wednesday, April 27 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE for NENA Members | Click here to register!

Your center’s cybersecurity isn’t just the job of the IT team – it starts with you! The passwords you use everyday provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to not only your computer and personal information, but also PSAP networks and systems. For years we have been given bad advice on securing everything from our email to our social media. This presentation shows how vulnerable our passwords are through discussion, demonstration of data breaches, and poor practices of the past. Join us for this webinar to learn:

  • The mindset and techniques of hackers;
  • Tactics and techniques to prevent account takeover and identity theft; and
  • How to secure online and local computer accounts.

Can't attend on the 27th? Register now and you will receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

Presenter: Alex Hebert – Shadow Element

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point towards the twelve-point maximum for NENA courses in the Professional Development CEU/Course Credits section.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.

Questions? Contact Amanda Tegtmeyer with the NENA Education team.

NENA Announces New Partner in Education Recognition Program

The NENA Partner in Education Recognition (PIER) Program honors PSAPs with an exceptional dedication to education. To receive a PIER certificate, an agency must demonstrate a commitment to improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of all employees, from new hires to center leadership, through continuous and ongoing professional-development activities. An agency earns the PIER certificate by meeting eligibility requirements and by submitting an application with supporting documentation. PIER-certified PSAPs can maintain their status by recertifying every four years. 

Click here to learn more. 

Upcoming Courses
05.03.22 | (3-day course) | 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Arlington Heights, IL | Register 
05.05.22 | Disaster Planning for the PSAP | ILO* | Register 
05.09.22 | (5-day course) | Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) | Everett, WA | Register 
05.12.22 | Recruit, Hire, Retain, & Promote for Success | ILO* | Register 
05.18.22 | Comm Center Staffing Workshop | Virginia Beach, VA | Register 
05.19.22 | Advanced Police Dispatching | ILO* | Register 
05.23.22 | Advanced Police Dispatching | Paramus, NJ | Register 
05.23.22 | (3-day course) | Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Winchester, VA | Register 
05.26.22 | SOP Development: Refining & Enhancing Your 9-1-1 Center | ILO* | Register 
*ILO stands for Instructor-Led Online 
Visit the NENA Education Calendar to see additional upcoming classes in your area and online! 
Stable Form Notice: NENA Standard for Social Media Emergency Requests
Having adjudicated all comments, the NENA Standard for Social Media Emergency Requests document is now considered "stable." Per NENA IPR & Antitrust Policy, Section 4.5.1 "Stable Form Notice" is being issued and can be viewed here.
Association Business
Application Data Systems, Inc. (ADSi)
Melanie Neal, ENP Elected to NENA’s Board of Directors

Neal elected 2nd Vice President, will serve as association President in 2024-25.

NENA: The 9-1-1 Association recently announced that Melanie Neal, ENP of Guilford Metro (NC) 911 has been elected by the organization’s members to serve on its Board of Directors and help lead the association’s mission to improve 9-1-1 through standards development, training, thought leadership, outreach, and advocacy.

Neal, who will ascend to 1st Vice President in 2023 and then association President in 2024, is a 33-year public-safety veteran, having served as a telecommunicator, shift supervisor, and operations manager. Currently, she serves as the Executive Director of Guilford Metro 911, one of the largest consolidated centers in North Carolina.

Click here to read more.

Notice of Membership Meeting at NENA 2022

Pursuant to NENA's Bylaws, notice is hereby given that the membership of the National Emergency Number Association will hold an annual meeting during the NENA 2022 Conference & Expo at 5:15PM on Sunday, June 12, 2022 in room M100/103 of the Kentucky International Convention Center. The membership is advised of the following agenda:   

I. Announcement of next annual conference site and dates
II. Reports of activities and financial condition of the association
III. Announcement of election results
IV. Members’ questions

Document Announcements
Managing & Monitoring NG9-1-1 Information Document Available for 2nd Review & Comment

The NENA Managing & Monitoring NG9‑1‑1 Information Document provides guidance to 9‑1‑1 Authorities at all levels, and to their vendors, on considerations and best practices for monitoring and managing NG9‑1‑1 services and infrastructure. The document covers end-state NG9‑1‑1 deployments and transitional deployments moving toward full NG9‑1‑1 functionality. This document contains information and advice; it does not contain requirements or specifications. The document is separated into two sections: one for state, province, or regional authorities, and one for responding agency authorities like Public Safety Answering Points and Emergency Communication Centers.

As this is a 2nd public review, only the highlighted text is open for comment.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Edit" icon. Others can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon.

When submitting comments, please include 1) the line number(s) associated with each comment; 2) a brief explanation of the comment(s); and 3) suggested resolution(s) for each comment. Please complete all requested data and click "Save," or, if submitting multiple comments, click "Save and Add Another."

If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each.

All comments are due by May 13, 2022. Contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

Helping Public Safety Leverage Technology
TSSI Consulting, LLC®
TSSI consultants come from the public safety, military, and vendor communities, providing management and technology services for public safety projects and procurements. Our unparalleled experience and one-of-a-kind assessment tools will ensure your technology needs are defined right. We encourage you to reduce risk, maximize expertise, and ensure success! Contact us for help with your next procurement or implementation.
Learn more
NG9-1-1 CLDXF Standard Available for 2nd Public Review & Comment

The NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard provides a definitive set of core civic location data elements that support emergency response and supports the exchange of United States civic location information related to 9-1-1 calls, both within the US and internationally, by defining the detailed data elements needed for location data exchange.

As this is a second public review, only the highlighted text is open for comment.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Edit" icon. Others can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon.

When submitting comments, please include 1) the line number(s) associated with each comment; 2) a brief explanation of the comment(s); and 3) suggested resolution(s) for each comment. Please complete all requested data and click "Save," or, if submitting multiple comments, click "Save and Add Another."

If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each.

All comments are due by May 10, 2022. Contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

"Requirements for 3D GIS for E9-1-1 and NG9-1-1" Document Available for Public Review & Comment

The NENA Requirements for 3D GIS for E9‑1‑1 and NG9‑1‑1 document sets forth guidelines and requirements for operationalizing three-dimensional location in NG9‑1‑1 and E9‑1‑1. It is the intent that the requirements and guidelines in this document will be adopted in whole or in part in future NENA and IETF standards. Additionally, this document is intended to provide interim guidelines and requirements in advance of standardization.

Members of the Working Group can download the document and submit comments by going here and selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Edit" icon. Others can download the document and submit comments by going here and then selecting "Add a Comment" from the "Document Actions" icon.

When submitting comments, please include 1) the line number(s) associated with each comment; 2) a brief explanation of the comment(s); and 3) suggested resolution(s) for each comment. Please complete all requested data and click "Save," or, if submitting multiple comments, click "Save and Add Another."

If you are providing editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, or incorrect references/links, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each.

All comments are due by April 29, 2022. Contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.

Advanced NG-911 and P25 Recording Solutions
Eventide Inc®
Eventide’s NexLog DX-series recording solutions are the most reliable, comprehensive, and easy to use recording products for NG-911, P25 and other critical communications.  NexLog DX-series recorders are highly secure and integrate with many PSAP systems including RapidSOS, RapidDeploy, ProQA, CAD and NG-911.  The NexLog DX-Series recording software is 100% designed, developed, and supported by Eventide in the USA. 
Learn More
Volunteers Wanted
Volunteer for the 9-1-1 Professional Education Working Group

Volunteers are sought to actively contribute and participate in the next phase of updating the ANSI accredited NENA Standards for 9-1-1 Professional Education. This work will provide standards related to 9-1-1 professional education to aid in the development of degree programs for 9-1-1 public safety communications personnel and individuals who work on 9-1-1 systems. This effort will ensure the 9-1-1 industry has a reliable work force both for PSAP operations and to manage, design, construct, and maintain the 9-1-1 system and its many components. This effort will also ensure that programs provide a basic level of knowledge and skill, no matter where they may be located.

Click here to sign up!

Convert Positioning Measurements into Actionable Dispatchable Locations
GeoComm Vertical Location Services converts raw position measurements into actionable data including building name, street address, height above the ground, and probable floor level. Telecommunicators are provided 3D visualizations of a caller’s location inside a building to reduce emergency response times, to aid in saving lives and protecting property.
• Apply to be part of our early adopter program group making the z-axis actionable.