NENA dispatch

National Emergency Number Association

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Latest News
Comtech Telecommunications Corp.
Congratulations to Our Summer 2024 ENPs! Apply Now to Take the ENP Exam in October

Congratulations to the fifty-seven 9-1-1 professionals who passed the summer 2024 ENP exam and are now certified Emergency Number Professionals! Well done! For more information on how you too can achieve this prestigious professional designation, visit the ENP webpage

For more than two decades, NENA’s ENP program has certified excellence in 9-1-1. Those who hold this prestigious designation have shown a commitment to the public safety profession by meeting experience and participation benchmarks and demonstrated an in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of 9-1-1 technology and operations by passing the ENP examination.

If you're ready to sit for the exam this fall, then it's time to apply! The application deadline is Friday, September 6. Learn more here.

ICYMI: NENA Files Comments With OMB in Support of Telecommunicator Reclassification

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has begun the process of reviewing the Standard Occupational Classification manual that lists 9-1-1 telecommunicator as a clerical job.

On behalf of our members, NENA filed comments recommending the reclassification of 9-1-1 telecommunicators into the "Protective Service Occupation" category for the next version of the SOC manual, set to be released in 2028.

From the Executive Summary of NENA's comments:
Despite dealing with a majority of the same day-to-day stressors as law enforcement officers, 9-1-1 professionals are grouped in OMB’s Standard Occupational Classification system along with secretaries and office clerks. This outdated and improper classification has resulted in staffing shortages, faulty data collection, and mischaracterization of the nation’s most important front-line public safety professions. Public Safety Telecommunicators (PST) should be reclassified to Protective Service Occupations, the same as police officers and other public safety professionals. This misclassification should be corrected based upon the job requirements, education, and the vital roles PSTs have in the safety of individuals and communities. 

Click here to read NENA's full comments.

Register for the Upcoming NG9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Event

NENA's NG9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Events (ICE) bring together vendors in an open, supportive, collaborative environment. At ICE, vendors build interoperability test cases and test their products (production or prototype) against each other’s products using test case document(s) based on existing and evolving standards.

At the upcoming ICE, taking place October 21-25 in Wheaton, IL, testing scenarios will fall into two standards categories: End-to-End PSAP and Cybersecurity. Connecting with those working groups within NENA who are working on the standards related to these areas, a series of tests have been developed for the event.

NENA invites all interested vendors that provide an NG9-1-1 product or service to participate. Originating Service Providers, NGCS vendors, Forest Guide developers, Call Handling, Incident Handling, Logging Records, Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) providers, etc. should consider participating in this event. Participation in the event requires a functional element to test, attendance at planning meetings, and pre-event testing. 

Click here to learn more and register. 

TSG Advisors
Training Update
Wednesday: Free Webinar on PSAP Wellness Programs
Wellness in Action: Stories From Agencies Making a Difference
Wednesday, August 28 | 3PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
FREE for NENA Members | Click here to register!

Join the NENA Wellness team for an hour break!  Hear real-world stories from two agencies that are making wellness work in their centers. In this webinar moderated by an industry-professional wellness coach, the presenters will dive deep into how they built successful wellness programs from the ground up. They’ll share:
  • How they got their programs started;
  • How they maintain the programs and keep them running successfully; and
  • What changes they see happening, and how their wellness initiatives are making a difference. 

We have changed webinar platforms and added new attendee benefits!
NENA is excited to be using a new online-learning platform for our #WebinarWednesday offerings. On the day of the webinar, you will need to be logged in to your account, so please note your username and password. Once logged in, you can access the live webinar via the link in your registration-confirmation email.

Once the webinar concludes, you will be able to complete a knowledge check and fill out an evaluation to receive a certificate of completion.

If you can't attend the live broadcast, then you can watch the webinar on-demand and/or download presentation materials via the same link from your registration email the day after the live webinar airs.

Can't attend on the 28th? Register now and watch later via the link in your registration-confirmation email.

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point.

Webinar Access Info: Live and on-demand webinar link provided automatically via email upon registration.

Questions? Contact Carol Workman with the NENA Education team.

Women in 9-1-1 Webinar on Social Media Announced for 09.19
Women in 9-1-1 Webinar Series – Social Media: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
Thursday, September 19 | 3:00PM Eastern (live) or On-Demand
Free! Click here to register!

More than five billion people use social media every day for an average of two-to-three hours, and undoubtedly it has changed the world forever – in some ways for the better and in some ways for the worse. In this webinar, we will have a lively discussion of: 
  • The positive ways social media can help connect individuals and build communities;
  • The potential dangers and harms, including those to your health; and
  • Resources, strategies, and methods to promote safe interactions and digital citizenship.

Can't attend on the 19th? Register now to receive an email after the live presentation with instructions for accessing the on-demand webinar archive.

CEUs: Attend this webinar and receive one-half ENP re-certification point.

Webinar Access Info: Dial-in and web-access details provided automatically via email upon registration.
Upcoming Training Courses
09.09.24 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Bradenton, FL | Register
09.10.24 | Addressing for NG9-1-1 | ILO* | Register
09.18.24 | Transforming 9-1-1 Center Culture | Plainfield, IL | Register
09.24.24 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Raymore, MO | Register
09.25.24 | (3-day course) 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | Winona Lake, IN | Register
09.25.24 | Leadership in the 9-1-1 Center | ILO* |  Register
09.26.24 | Preventing Telecommunicator Tunnel Vision | ILO* | Register
09.26.24 | Enhanced Caller Management | Bridgeport, WV | Register
09.27.24 | Transforming 9-1-1 Center Culture | Bridgeport, WV | Register
09.30.24 | Center Manager Certification Program (CMCP) | Eagleville, PA | Register
10.01.24 | Enhanced Fire Dispatching | Middleton, CT | Register
10.02.24 | Enhanced Fire Dispatching | Middleton, CT | Register
10.07.24 | 9-1-1 Center Supervisor Program | North Charleston, SC | Register
10.09.24 | Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Lillington, NC | Register
10.15.24 | Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Colorado Springs, CO | Register
10.15.24 | Enhanced Fire Dispatching | ILO*| Register
10.21.24 | Center Training Officer (CTO) Program | Henrico, VA | Register
*ILO stands for Instructor-Led Online 
Document Announcements
NENA Standard for 9-1-1/988 Interactions Available for 2nd Public Review & Comment
The NENA Standard for 9-1-1/988 Interactions provides recommendations and best practices to help callers who are experiencing mental health crises. It outlines operational and technical considerations for ECCs/PSAPs to establish an effective working relationship with the 988 community. As a Public Review 2, only the areas highlighted in yellow are open for comment.

Members of the Working Group are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu. Please complete all requested data and Save or, if submitting multiple comments, select Save and Add Another.

If you are providing Editorial comments, such as corrections to typos, grammatical errors, style/numbering errors, and incorrect references/links to documents, please document them under one comment and list the page and line number for each. For example:
  • Page 22, Line 761: correct muse to most
  • Page 51, Line 905: correct Maine to main
  • If the correction is within a table, provide the table name and page number of error and specific details of change.
All comments are due by September 23, 2024. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.
NENA Security for Next Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC) Available for 3rd Public Review & Comment

The NENA Security for Next Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC) establishes the minimal guidelines and requirements for the protection of NG9-1-1 assets or elements within a changing business environment. Please note, based on the Public Review 3 status, this will be a 30-day comment period. Additionally, only the underlined and strikethrough items are open for public comment. Items underlined are new or revised text while strikethrough indicates a removal of text. Content without an underline or strikethrough is included for context only.

Members of the Working Group are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select Add a Comment from the Edit icon drop-down menu. All others are to download the document and submit comments by going here and then select Add a Comment from the Document Actions icon drop-down menu. Please complete all requested data and Save or, if submitting multiple comments, select Save and Add Another.

All comments are due by September 1, 2024. You may contact the NENA Committee Resource Manager with any questions or concerns.
Stable Form Notice: NENA GIS Data Transition Information Document
Having adjudicated all comments, the NENA GIS Data Transition Information Document is now considered "stable." Per NENA IPR & Antitrust Policy, Section 4.5.1 "Stable Form Notice" is being issued. Click here to view the notice.
Discover the power of assistive AI for 911
Watch our Q2 Product Launch, New HorAIzons, on demand, where we debuted AI-powered, assistive features built to help telecommunicators process calls faster while fitting seamlessly into existing protocols, including a new way to handle non-English calls, an evolution in note-taking, and more! Register below:

Mission-Critical Communications Recording
Eventide Inc®
Specifically designed for mission-critical 24/7 operation in emergency call-taking, dispatch, air traffic management, and other communications environments, Eventide’s NexLogTM DX-Series recording solutions capture, record, and archive all calls, video, and screen activity. These recordings are available immediately for instant recall, forensic replay, incident reconstruction, burn to CD/DVD/Blu-ray, DRX, and more.
Discover the World’s Most Reliable and Secure Recording Solutions
Volunteers Wanted
Volunteer for the Daily Personnel Operations Working Group

NENA is seeking volunteers for the NENA Daily Personnel Operations Working Group to shepherd the draft of NENA Standard for Communications Center/PSAP Daily Personnel Operations through the document approval process. The working group has revised the current standard intended to provide recommendations to develop PSAP operational guidelines and schedules.

A variety of expertise is sought from the public safety and 9-1-1 industries as well as those with experience in communications center personnel operations. Specifically, the working group seeks to add members in the ‘Producer’ and ‘General Interest’ categories although we welcome all who want to participate.

As defined in Section 3 Document Development Process of the NENA Development Operational Procedures, a Producer is a developer or provider of 9-1-1 related products or services, and a General Interest member is a member who does not fit into User or Producer, such as consultants or those who are part of state or federal agencies.

Click here to volunteer!
Volunteer for the Volunteer Recruitment & Recognition Working Group

The Volunteer Recruitment and Recognition Working Group is seeking new members who are passionate about the long-term success of all NENA Working Groups!

If any of the following pertain to you, this Working Group is a wonderful fit for you!

  • Desire to see engaged members of the 9-1-1 industry making a difference? (That’s right, you do NOT have to be a NENA member)
  • Hoping to see more diversity and involvement across NENA's standards and best practices development Working Groups?
  • Excited to see processes refined and adapted that increase participation?
  • Ready to partner with other Working Group leaders to ensure they are successful?
  • Thankful for those who have tirelessly served on Working Groups and want to make sure they are celebrated?

Then... join today! Whether new to the industry, retired from the industry, or in your prime, this Working Group is looking for variety, creativity, and innovation in supporting the work of NENA!

Meetings are scheduled for Mondays from 1:30 – 3:00 PM Eastern.

Click here to volunteer! 

Because 9-1-1 Is All We Do!
NGA 911 Inc.®
At NGA, we are on a mission to provide unmatched peace of mind, and equal access for everyone through our cutting-edge, cloud-based telecommunication solutions, powered by NEXiS. With the highest level of redundancy and resiliency, we ensure accurate, high-performance transmission of voice, text, and video during emergencies, prioritizing the needs of call-takers and PSAPs. Together, we forge unbreakable connections, empowering communities and saving lives when it matters most.
Discover The Power Of NEXiS