NPMA ePestWorld

National Pest Management Association


Did you know:
75% of employees report that they are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefit program.
33% of the workforce has turned down a job due to a lack of benefits.
One in three millennial workers has turned down a job due to lackluster health insurance.

The new NPMA Health Insurance Exchange partners with reputable insurance providers to offer members cost-effective benefit options that make sense in an increasingly unpredictable marketplace.

With a focus on flexibility, our Exchange does away with "all-or-nothing" packages and empowers members to select specific benefit offerings that best fit the size and requirements of their business. 

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In September, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Two months later, much of the island is still without power and the needs are great.

The Professional Women in Pest Management invite you join us in sending holiday cheer to the families of NPMA member companies in Puerto Rico. Our colleague in Puerto Rico has assured us that Kmart, Walmart and Toys R Us are open. Gift cards to any of these stores will be welcomed by families in need. Bell Laboratories has been successfully shipping to Puerto Rico and has agreed to ship on our behalf on 12/16/2017 so that the gift cards can be distributed in time for the holidays.

If you would like to help, please send gift cards for Kmart, Walmart, or Toys R Us to:
Bell Labs, Inc.
Attn: Sheila Haddad c/o Amy Breunig
3699 Kinsman Boulevard
Madison, WI 53704-2598

The deadline to get the gift cards to Wisconsin is 12/15/2017.
Electronic gift cards are not an option because of the power outages in Puerto Rico.

Thank you for being part of the caring community that is NPMA.
Happy Holidays,
~The Professional Women in Pest Management

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News From National

Different voices can play an important role in accomplishing NPMA’s goals. The Executive Leadership Program was created to find passionate, committed, and engaged individuals from all parts of the country who want to enhance NPMA and the membership experience while connecting with industry leaders.

Interested? Click here to complete an application and here to learn more about the program. The application process will close on December 15.

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Join us next Monday, December 11 at 6:30 pm for a virtual tour of the Wildlife Expo 18! 
Spend 45 minutes with us in a web-based meeting...We will show you what's in it for you! 

It is time to register for Wildlife Expo! 
Register with confidence after this webinar! 

• Sneak peak at conference sessions
• Learn about the certification programs offered
• Take a look at the exhibit hall
• Hear from past participants – how the Expo has changed their business!
• Meet one of our Expo speakers

RSVP to let us know you'll be joining us - and get a chance to win a $25 voucher off your registration to Wildlife Expo 18! 

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Cooper Pest Control
Crawlspace Depot
Crawlspace Depot
LEDs Light Up Your Crawl Spaces
Lighting doesn’t have to be an issue during crawl space work. This string of five indoor/outdoor LED lights produces 5000 lumens, uses just 55 watts total and has an LED life of 40,000 hours. Lights are spaced 10' apart on a 50' cord. Connect up to 10 sets. Work safely!
Learn More
New Members

Abra Kadabra Environmental Services of Minneapolis, MN
Combat Pest Control of Hanson, MA
Littner's Pest Service, LLC of Elizabethtown, NC

Pest Pic of the Week


Assassin Bug

 As a membership benefit, NPMA has developed a gallery of 
pest images at for use by NPMA members.

UPG Unified Purchasing Group
Flock Free Bird Control Systems & Services
Member Benefit Highlight

Have you ever visited a client and been confused about a pest? We have an app for that. NPMA’s Digital Field Guide app for iOS and Android devices offers users an easy way to access information on more than 200 different structural pests, with high resolution photos and charts for confident identification when the need information on-the-go. Learn more about the Digital Field Guide app.

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Manage and Protect Your Apple Devices at Work
Managing a mobile workforce requires a solution that provides consistent, reliable performance, all while allowing users to access the tools they need on their mobile devices. Jamf Now is a cloud-based solution for managing the iPads, iPhones and Macs in your workplace. It’s fast, accessible and affordable, so you can support your users without help from IT.
Create Your Free Account!
NPMA Education and Events

Are you involved in wildlife management or considering offering this add-on service?

If so, you will not want to miss this year's Wildlife Expo!

Providing both technical and business-related educational sessions, the 2018 Wildlife Expo, hosted by NPMA and the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA), will take place January 30 - February 1 in New Orleans. Click here for more details and registration.

Visit to view the full article online.

Brother Mobile Solutions
Weekly Headlines

Matthew Combs is a graduate student at Fordham University who studies rats. In a recently published paper of his, Combs shared his findings about the genetics of the city's brown rats.

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The winter months are ahead of us and pests are looking for a way to escape the cold, and they may be trying to find a way into your house.

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Food and Wine
The new product comes hot on the heels of Finland dropping a ban on selling insects as food.

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The Guardian
Technology could be used to wipe out malaria carrying mosquitos or other pests but UN experts say fears over possible military uses and unintended consequences strengthen case for a ban

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