NPMA ePestWorld

National Pest Management Association


NPMA is working on the program for PestWorld 2019 in San Diego and we are seeking your input on whether we should host a post-convention trip this year and if yes, where would you want to see us go. Please complete a short survey HERE to share your thoughts with us.

If you’ve not participated in the past, this provides an opportunity to relax in a beautiful destination, enjoy an intimate networking opportunity with industry peers and industry leaders. As there’s a nominal registration fee to participate, it is a business expense. Thanks for your support of NPMA and we look forward to hearing from you!


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Looking for an inexpensive marketing vehicle to promote your services as we head into the busy season? Pest Gazette is a quarterly promotional newsletter that is customized to include your company information, highlights seasonal pests and educates your customers about the importance of using your professional services to manage their pest problems. Pest Gazette is available in a printed format and also available in a NEW digital format that is perfect for online marketing! Click here to start customizing your Pest Gazette today!

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News From National

Each year, NPMA works diligently to identify and recruit members to serve on our association’s committees. In an effort to foster fresh ideas and allow all NPMA members to share their expertise, we are calling on you to nominate yourself or an industry colleague to serve on an NPMA committee. Your involvement and leadership will help us chart a successful future for the association and the industry. Please take a moment to view the list of NPMA committees and complete an application.


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Cooper Pest Control
Crawlspace Depot
Crawlspace Depot
Crawl space safety
Crawl space work poses special safety issues. The right equipment and PPE are critical. Proper lighting and eye protection are just a few precautions you should use. We offer LED lights, hinged knee pads, premium safety glasses and other tools to minimize risks when closing a crawl space.
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New Members
Pest Pic of the Week
UPG Unified Purchasing Group
Member Benefit Highlight
Brother Mobile Solutions
Boost Worker Productivity with Brother Mobile Solutions
You’ve got pest control down to a science. You’ve mastered the tools and technology, but the job’s not over until the paperwork is done. With PocketJet 7 mobile printers, you have what it takes to eradicate printing problems in the field and combat those daily hordes of paper. Let Brother help you finish the job strong. Because at the end of the day, we’re crushing it.
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NPMA Education and Events
Members Make Headlines
On October 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael made landfall near Mexico Beach, Florida. This devastating category 4 storm was the strongest hurricane to hit the Florida Panhandle in recorded history.

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NAPROCO LLC dba Garden Girls Repellents
Weekly Headlines
More than a hundred insect species that are new to science have been discovered on an Indonesian island.

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Yahoo News
Pest control experts warned of a ‘plague’ of super rats immune from poison invading homes – and a distraught mum says attempts to kill the rodents have been fruitless.

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Fox News
A brawl between an eastern brown snake and a python over a juicy rat turned deadly last week — at least, for two parties involved.

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Thanks to a sharp-eyed group of devoted citizen scientists, three more species of disco-dancing peacock spiders have been discovered in southwestern Australia

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Philly Voice
The spotted lanternfly, the invasive insect which infamously has flooded eastern Pennsylvania summers since 2014, has Delaware on edge.

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