NPMA ePestWorld

National Pest Management Association

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Envu innovates with new tools and products
Pest threats keep evolving. We have the innovative tools to keep pests under control. Envu is committed to working with pest management professionals to provide solutions that keep pests under control and protect the places we live. You can expect deep technical support and education along with innovative customer-driven solutions that deliver the results your business and community depend on.
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Weekly Headlines
The Washington Post
Since 2017, researchers have watched as Asian longhorned ticks have spread across the United States. Now, researchers are using the gruesome deaths of three cows in Ohio to sound the alarm about the parasitic arachnids.

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Los Angeles Times
Long Beach’s health department has confirmed the first case of a mosquito-borne illness called St. Louis encephalitis in the city since 1984.

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ABC Chicago
Rats feasting on your car's wires is a common problem in Chicago. But what can you do to stop them from attacking your vehicle, and what is the city doing to control its rat problem?

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South Korea has become the latest country to declare war on bedbugs following a wave of outbreaks, with bathhouses, university dorms, and train stations across the country on high alert.

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Texas Standard
Vector-borne diseases are on the rise in Texas. These are illnesses carried by pests like mosquitoes or ticks – think the Zika virus, or Lyme disease.

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