Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently presented his "2015
Opportunity Agenda," a combination of the constitutionally required State
of the State address and his 2015-16 state fiscal year budget proposal.
The plan sets a $142 billion state budget that
would increase overall spending by 2.8 percent to pay for new education
spending, infrastructure projects and provide tax relief to certain homeowners.
State operating funds — excluding capital spending and federal aid — would
increase 1.7 percent, keeping with Cuomo's pledge to keep state spending to
less than 2 percent. Total school aid would grow 4.8 percent under Cuomo's plan
to $23.1 billion, a $1 billion increase if the Legislature adopts several
reform proposals Cuomo included in his presentation. State aid to local
governments would remain flat at $715 million, but Cuomo proposed a $150
million fund for local governments who consolidate and share services.
here to view a summary of the governor’s proposals.