Past Issues/Subscribe | Employment | | Legislative Update | Advertise February 2013

The Transmission Line Is Down!

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Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about some things that are truly important to all of us. The Legislative Affairs committee has identified the largest threats/issues for the public power industry in the Northeast. These issues will be addressed at the March 11-13 APPA Rally in Washington, DC. All members and lighting board members are invited to participate with NEPPA in our efforts to connect with our elected leaders. Meetings are being scheduled for all six states and you can easily get more information by emailing me at:

It is important that the leaders see as many constituents as possible. We facilitate the meetings so they are informative and easy for all members to participate. We also conduct a briefing call two weeks prior to the event for all attendees to participate in and a breakfast on the first day of our Capitol Hill visits. Please see Mike Kirkwood’s article in this issue on his experience at the event.

This year we will be speaking with leaders and staffers on the following issues:

• Public Power 101: the basics for any newly elected leaders or staffers who are not familiar with our industry.

• Tax Exempt Financing: There is concern that the White House is in favor of eliminating this crucial tool for many municipalities in an attempt at creating budget cuts.

• Cyber Security: Some Congressional leaders do not understand our current oversight and direction by FERC and NERC which has created greater protections for the grid. There are some that would modify our currently mandated cyber security efforts by adding Homeland Security or other elements to the mix. These efforts could create a weakened cyber security effort. If you have received a request from Representatives Markey or Waxman regarding cyber security, please click this link to see APPA’s recommendation.

• Hydropower Legislation: our need to support legislation to exempt small hydropower development and streamline the approval process.

• FERC: Discussions on ISO rate increases, incentive rates for transmission, future capacity markets and others must be understood by Congress if we are to ensure our voices carry at FERC.

• We will also be discussing issues related to natural gas, LIHEAP and the Dodd-Frank sub-threshold issue.

No one can be an expert on all of these issues and we will certainly not be able to discuss all of them in every meeting. But, if you attend there will be someone there to lead the discussion and make sure the issues that resonate with your leader are touched on.

At the heart of the rally is you! You building a relationship and rapport with your elected leader and their staff is critical to protecting our industry and your utility's interests. There is no substitute for constituent contact for elected leaders. One does not have to be a political being to participate. NEPPA has made it convenient and painless for anyone who would like to participate. You will get an experience that many in our country never take advantage of; the right of a citizen to walk the halls of their congress and see the political process up close, not the filtered version we often receive through the media, but the actual activity.

You do not need to register for the APPA conference to participate in NEPPA’s hill visits. It can be a very cost effective outreach for you and your board members. We begin with a briefing breakfast on Tuesday the 12th, where we will review the meeting schedule and any changes. You will meet the staffer or volunteer who will facilitate each meeting. You will be given copies of the briefing documents which were previously emailed to you, including one page of talking points.

You will have a great couple of days (with your peers) visiting the offices of leaders who have great influence over the future of public power.

If you have any questions or would like to participate, email me at:

I look forward to seeing you in DC!

Associated Systems, Inc.
HD Supply Power Solutions