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2015 Trainers Meeting Article

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On December 7, 2015, the NEPPA Safety Trainers assembled in Littleton, Massachusetts at the NEPPA Training Center for their annual meeting.  The first topic of the day was to introduce NEPPA’s new executive director, David White.

One other item discussed was the frequency that each utility should provide CPR/First Aid training. It was agreed that this subject falls under the same category as Pole Top Rescue and Enclosed/Confined Space Rescue and would be required annually.

The bulk of the day was spent by the group working with Jonathan Dost, NEPPA’s IT Consultant setting up email and the new iCloud system for storing the training department programs.

All of NEPPA’s trainers, Bob Henriksen, Lou Gabriele, John Jankowski, Linda Calderiso, and Pete Crowley (Bill Hesson was absent conducting a safety training session) once again committed to conducting the highest quality training possible recognizing the importance of training line workers to work in the safest manner possible. All agreed that one aspect of a good safety meeting is to have all participants involved and to eliminate any type of distractions, such as side discussions that may not be related to the topic being discussed. Also, it was recommended that managers and supervisors attend safety meetings! 

As an organization, NEPPA is truly fortunate to have such a dedicated team of people who take their job so seriously and it's a privilege for me to work with this group who care so deeply for the people they are trying to assist to "go home at the end of the!"

Steve Socoby
NEPPA Director of Training


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