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The passing of David Bowie on January 10 impacted many people who he had touched with his music, art and acting. As the quote above indicates, one of Bowie’s most enduring lessons is to embrace change in order to be successful. While we aren’t quite ready for the NEPPA equivalent of Ziggy Stardust, we have been implementing changes here in the organization that will help us succeed in meeting your needs moving forward.

The senior staff and I have been discussing the best alignment of our staff for most of the time I have been here at NEPPA. We carefully considered the potential budgetary impact of any decisions we made about staffing or the outsourcing of activities. After much deliberation, I am happy to announce the following structure of the NEPPA staff:

Director of Membership & Marketing – Kris DiGirolamo
After many years of wearing many hats, Kris will be focusing her attentions on the role of Director of Membership & Marketing. She will be responsible for developing and implementing NEPPA’s strategies for engaging with members in alignment with the organization’s mission and strategic plan. She will also be responsible for all aspects of NEPPA’s membership services, including acquiring new members, efficiently and effectively serving existing members, and developing member programs and services. By every measure Kris is excited about this new role and I truly believe she will take NEPPA to even greater heights with this renewed focus.

Director of Administration & Finance – TBD
With Kris vacating the role of Controller, we will be hiring a Director of Administration & Finance. The Director will be responsible for overseeing the Association’s financial planning and budgeting, human resource management, and office administration management. The Director will also work collaboratively with the leaders of the Association to provide financial direction and staff leadership to assure that NEPPA meets its strategic goals. We have submitted the job posting to a number of outlets and have already received a great deal of interest.

Director of Training & Education – Steve Socoby, CUSP
Steve will continue in the role of Director of Education & Training. He will directly supervise all of the training staff and oversee the development and quality of our programs. Steve is an exemplary leader and advocate for NEPPA and I know we all have every confidence in his continued success in this role.

Coordinator, Training & Education – Colleen Delsignore
Colleen has been promoted to the position of Coordinator, Training & Education. She will support NEPPA’s training staff in the planning and delivering of the Association’s education and training programs. She is responsible for all relative administrative tasks, including scheduling, correspondences, preparation of materials, and maintenance of attendee records. She will report directly to Steve. Colleen is simply outstanding in every aspect of her work here at NEPPA and I truly believe she will thrive in this new position.

This new structure will also require us to add a new administrative assistant in the future. While this may seem like a wholesale reorganization, the reality is that it is much more about codifying the roles that our dedicated staff already fill and ensuring that they have every opportunity to be successful in delivering the excellent services you have come to expect from NEPPA. Or as Bowie taught us, by challenging ourselves we are able to give you something better and different than you ever expected.
Morgan Meguire
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