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Middleton, Mass. Electric’s Lenny Ferreira retires

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Ferreira lives in Middleton with his wife Betsy and children Jeffrey and Sadie, and says he has no immediate retirement plans, although things will be different.

A Middleton native and lifelong local resident, Ferreira joined MELD on January 2, 1979. "I feel fortunate," he said about his time at the Light Department. "It was a very good place to work." He also recently retired from his position as a reserve Middleton police officer after nearly four decades.

"We appreciate Lenny’s dedication to not only the Light Department but to the entire Town of Middleton," said MELD Manager Mark Kelly. "We wish him a long and healthy retirement. The Light Department will really miss him."

"My wife will be happy that I’ll be home during snowstorms," he said. "And she won’t miss the 3 a.m. phone calls."

He won’t need to go far to visit family – his mother Dorothy and sister Patricia Dube and her husband James all live in Middleton, while daughter Nicole Ferreira lives in Peabody with grandchildren Timothy and Christian, and sister Diana lives in Kittery, Maine. You may, however, catch him visiting his brother Joe at the Yankee Smokehouse in Ossipee, N.H. after a relaxing day at his nearby camp.
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