Driscoll takes the helm at Templeton

After four and a half years as line superintendent, John Driscoll has been promoted to general manager of Templeton Municipal Light & Water Plant.

Prior to joining Templeton Light he was an assistant distribution supervisor at Littleton Electric Light & Water Departments. He began his utility career as an electrical engineer at Sterling Municipal Light Department, his first "real" job after graduating from UMass Lowell with a B.S. in electrical engineering with a concentration in  power. At Sterling, Driscoll had an opportunity to work with Sean Hamilton who went on to become manager at Templeton Light and eventually hired Driscoll.

"It was a great learning experience," said Driscoll, who was cross trained with Hamilton with an eye to the future. "I didn't expect it so quickly," he said of Hamilton's recent departure but feels confident he's up to the task.

The challenges he faces include keeping electric rates stable and regulatory issues coming up in the next five years."There are things we have no control over," he said.

Templeton has two apprentices in the NEPPA training program and Driscoll is enthusiastic about the training and networking opportunities NEPPA is providing, in particular, the General Foreman's Roundtable.

Driscoll is married and lives in Leominster.