Peabody Municipal Light Plant has new manager

Longtime employee of Peabody Municipal Light Plant, Glenn Trueira, has been hired as plant manager following the retirement of former manager William Waters. Trueira has worked for the light plant for 26 years, both as the chief engineer and, for the last year and a half, as Water's assistant manager.

In a huge vote of confidence, the Municipal Light Commission, which oversees the publicly owned plant, decided early on that if Trueira wanted the job, it was his.

"We've watched Glenn in action now for years...and the only thing I ever worried about was whether he wanted the job," Commissioner Thomas D'Amato said. "With him, there was never a question of qualifications. I don't think we could have gotten a better guy."

Trueira, 47, grew up in Peabody, went to Wallis and Welch schools and graduated from St. John's Prep in Danvers. He has a degree in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from Salem State University. Trueira started at PMLP when he was still a student at WPI. During his 26 years, he has held numerous positions, including electrical engineer, supervisor of electrical engineering and assistant manager.
Waters retired after 39 years with the plant.