Back in January Congressmen Markey (MA) and Waxman (CA) sent a letter to 150 public and private utility companies regarding the vulnerability of the electric grid. They were requesting information about threats, our responses, and current status in relation to mandatory and recommended procedures. Many of us were concerned about the public nature of their approach as it could potentially create the very threats they were seeking to prevent.

The report from their offices was published on May 21st. After reviewing the publication it was astonishing how little was actually gleaned from their efforts. Unfortunately, in an effort to justify their activity, they did mention some areas that could use attention and then went on to push for the expansion of FERC’s authority over the security of the electric grid and the movement to require previous recommendations from NERC, which the industry had explained were not feasible for all. The report suggests that a firmer regulatory hand is needed.

NEPPA supports maintaining the authority and review under the current NERC/FERC collaboration oversight and the formalization of this hierarchy. However, I find it unfortunate that in an effort to improve the grid’s security from cyber threats (which we support), these offices chose such a public forum to expose potential vulnerabilities. We should be grateful that so little was actually reported here as this document is now available to anyone. The cases cited were more of the physical vulnerabilities than cyber. The discussion of the scarcity of key replacement components would have been better left to internal communications with NERC and FERC, than in a public document.

I urge Congressmen Markey and Waxman, that in the future they find a better way to collect information and to convey it in a manner that does not create the potential for misuse.

Miscellaneous Items: As Congress begins the long slide into its summer break, many of you begin your summer maintenance season. Let’s remember to work safely and follow all of your safety procedures. Keep hydrated and keep your focus. Summer also means it’s time for NEPPA’s 15th Annual Apprentice Rodeo (June 19th & 20th). Attendance is free so if you plan to come and show your support, please call our offices to ensure we have enough food for everyone.

NEPPA is also diligently working on our version of summer maintenance. In our office, Courtney Crouse has begun the arduous task of bringing our website up to speed. In the process, we wanted to let everyone know that we are beginning to collect sample documents or procedures to be shared amongst members; from tail board briefing documents to accounting procedures, we are looking for systems that you have perfected to make your utility run better. If you would like to submit items, please submit any operations related documents to Steve Socoby, at and any business related documents to me, at

Big Change: NEPPA has long run one of the most successful mutual aid programs in the country.  At our recent Engineering and Operations Conference, our Mutual Aid Committee reviewed and recommended that we adopt an electronic communications tool to help support this programs' efforts. In addition, this communications system will empower our great program coordinators. The Board unanimously approved the committee’s recommendation and we will be launching the new tool this September. In the next two months your utility will be contacted for key information on contacts so be on the lookout.

Finally, thank you to Middleton Municipal Electric Department and their General Manager Mark Kelly. Middleton is donating a decommissioned bucket truck to the NEPPA training center. They recently purchased a new hybrid truck, which allowed them to make this generous donation. It will be well used in our training programs!