Congressional Focus

In This Issue...

 Congressional Focus: The President’s climate plan takes center stage...
 Nominations: NRC move forward; EPA less clear with Obama Plan looming...
 Energy Policy: Small hydro and energy efficiency bills pass...  
 Cyber Security: New House bill circulating...
 Transmission Issues: IOUs support transmission incentives in letter...
 Dodd-Frank: H.R. 1038 passes House unanimously....

On June 25, the President announced a comprehensive Administration effort to combat climate change.  While the plan contains few items that had not previously been contemplated, it consolidates many "kitchen sink" initiatives and elevates them to what the President may hope will be his legacy on climate change. 

The Climate Action Plan would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.  Of interest to electric utilities, the plan will direct the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work expeditiously to complete carbon pollution standards for both new and existing power plants.  In developing the standards, the President asked EPA "to build on state leadership, provide flexibility, and take advantage of a wide range of energy sources and technologies including many actions in this plan."  Obama’s plan directs EPA to finalize new source standards by September and propose existing source standards by next June.

The plan sets a goal of doubling renewable electricity generation by 2020 by accelerating clean energy permitting, and expanding and modernizing the electric grid, among other things.  

Democrats cheered the plan as a good first step while Republicans pooh-poohed it.  However, the plan requires no legislation; only items the Administration could do unilaterally.

To read the complete legislative update including the following topics, click the links below:


Cyber Security

Energy Efficiency 

Transmission Issues

Dodd-Frank Implementation